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Chapter one
"A mother daughter outing." 

There was a few weeks left before school started back up, and Sam had been basically spending her entire summer hanging out with her new friends and Anthony was at camp, and the LaRusso's were always heading out to work which left Isabella alone a lot seeing as her friend Aisha had headed out a lot of days going to her AP prep course while her other two friends Demetri and Eli were out at robot camp, where she spent most of her time doing yoga, using a lot of her Miyagi Do meditation skills she learned when she was younger during it.

Although one day, when she was out on the patio in a tree pose, her mother came walking out, holding one of Anthony's water guns, she sneakily walked over to her and began spraying her with it and when she did, Isabella yelped as her foot fell down, her hands flailed around her as she fell backwards into the pool, and as she did, her mother bursted out laughing, as Isabella then swam up to the top looking at her mother "what are you doing?" she asked her "it's called having fun, you should try it sometime." her mother told her, as Isabella furrowed her brows "I have fun." she told her.

As her mother raised her brows "doing yoga and going on a run and practicing for soccer everyday during the summer isn't fun. Your brother goes to summer camp, your sister goes out and hangs with her friends, and everyday me and your father come home from work and your already in bed." she told her, as Isabella shook her head "I have a strict schedule." she told her "yeah, and that's the problem! You're a teenager! It's summer! Get out of the pool, shower and get dressed." her mom told her as she threw the water gun down, taking the towel off of her shoulder and putting it down by the pool.

And as she did, Isabella reached for her and when she did, her mom then quickly jumped back "no, no.." she told her, laughing as she ran off, Isabella watched her "don't you have work?" she asked her "not today!" her mom called out, opening the back door and heading inside the house, making Isabella huff as she pushed herself up off the edge of the pool and grabbed the towel, drying herself off as she began to walk toward's the house.

Having headed out of the house, Isabella was now standing in front of a place called golf n stuff, as she furrowed her brows "golfing? You hate golfing. Every time dad said he was taking us here you said it was gross and disgusting and filled with diseases." she shared, as her mom shrugged "well, when your dad told me how much you, him and Sam used to have coming here, I thought I'd change my mind and see what all the fun's about." she told her, as Isabella hummed, looking down at her mom's shoes "and I see your wearing jeans which is a rarity for you when you leave the house usually it's either workout clothes cause your heading to the gym or dresses because your going to work." she told her, as the two of them walked toward's the concession to the grab their golf clubs.

"Yeah, says the one who never wears dresses and just wears workout clothes, I mean the baggy hoodies totally can't be getting you any boyfriends.." her mom was saying, as she then gasped "oh, what about that boy Demetri or Eli?" she asked "oh my god, mom! One Demetri has the biggest crush on Yasmine to the point where it's like no other girls exist! And second, Eli's my best friend at this point me kissing him would be like me kissing my brother and ew." Isabella told her, as the two reached the concession "what can I get you ladies?" the women asked "two golf clubs, please." her mom told the women.

While Isabella grabbed the golf balls picking the blue one for herself although when she did, her mother then grabbed it and swapped it for the purple one as she then grabbed herself a pink one "seriously? Your not even gonna let me pick my own golfball? What happened to letting us make our own choices?" Isabella asked "pinks more your speed trust me. You'd know that if you tried wearing some makeup for a change." her mom shared, grabbing the golf clubs as she turned walking toward's the entrance, Isabella furrowed her brows "I thought this was supposed to be fun yet all you've done is ridicule my choices! What next are you gonna take me to get my nails done?" she asked her, rhetorically.

As her mother turned to her 'ooh, that would be fun and maybe we can get your hair done so you can stop always wearing it in up and wear it down for once." she told her, as Isabella's eyes went wide "mom!" she voiced, as her mom huffed, holding her hands up "okay, okay, let's just go play." she told her, turning around and walking into the entrance.

And as they played almost every hole Isabella was getting it in on the first try as she kept laughing at her mom who kept swinging her club and missing the ball "mom, I think if you keep swinging it any harder, the golf clubs gonna go flying out of your hand." Isabella told her, as her mom turned to her "oh, really? Miss soccer champ? Watch this." she told her, stepping back, she kept her eyes on her and then swung the gold club.

And when she did, she hit the ball and when Isabella turned watching the ball it flew right into the hole as her eyes went wide "oh my gosh." she said, as her mom put her arm around her "see? You may have gotten the kick from your dad but being able to kick the ball without even looking at the goal and still getting it in? That's all me." she told her, as the two walked off.

The two then after had left and Isabella actually let her mom take her shopping and to get her nails and hair done, where even after the two had stopped at a fast food restaurant and walked into the house laughing, as her dad looked to them with wide eyes, having never heard the two of them getting along in a long time "wow, you ladies seemed to have fun." he pointed out, as her mom nodded "we did." she shared "yeah, mom has a mean swing." Isabella shared, as her mom chuckled "yeah, I thought it was time for a girls day." she shared, moving her hand through Isabella's curled hair "girl's day? Isabella's not a girl, she's a tomboy." Anthony, her younger brother said.

In which Isabella's face fell, as she huffed and began heading toward's the steps "Isabella.." her mom told her "you had your fun making me your little barbie but he's right!" Isabella voiced, turning around on the top of the steps "I'm a tomboy." she told her, turning around and walking off to her room.

And as she did, Amanda huffed, turning and looking at her husband "you know this is you, right? First the karate, then encouraging her to join the soccer team.." she was telling him, as Daniel furrowed his brows "she's the best on the team! She's team captain! Why are you freaking out about all of this? Who care's if she doesn't do all that girly stuff like Sam does?" he asked "yeah." Anthony said, as Daniel turned to him "go play your video games." he told him, as Anthony's eyes went wide "really?" he asked "yes." Daniel told him, as Anthony got up from the kitchen table and ran off.

Amanda furrowed her brows "who care's? I care Daniel! She's my daughter and she spends all her time focusing on her school work and hanging out with those boys.." she was saying, as Daniel stood up "Aisha's her friend too." he reminded her, as Amanda sighed "I love Aisha, don't get me wrong. But I feel like.." she was telling him, although her one fear was that her daughter was turning into the kind of girl she was like when she was a teenager and she wasn't so sure that was a good thing.

As Daniel opened the bottle of wine and began pouring the two a glass "well, it's like I always say.." he told her, putting the bottle down and grabbing the two glasses as he walked over to her "she's LaRusso 2.0." he told her, hanging her, her glass, as the two then clinked them together, and then drank from them, as the idea of her being more like her father gave her a little more comfort or maybe it was just the wine, because if anybody knew any better both of those options were scary.

Plastic society, Miguel Diazजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें