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Chapter fifteen

"We're really, really, good friends."

It was the day of their fifth grade graduation, as the trio had to spend the entire time standing in seats away from each other, when their names had been called and they all were allowed off the stage, the three didn't go running toward's their family's but instead each other "yeah!' Isabella voiced, kicking her leg out"I can't believe elementary school is over! It felt like so long ago that I was being the hall monitor telling kid's so slow down in the hallway." Demetri shared, putting his hand up to his heart.

Eli looked between the both of them "but this isn't gonna change anything, right? Like us?" he asked, as Isabella and Demetri looked to him with furrowed brows "what are you crazy? The three of us are gonna be best friends forever!" Isabella voiced, throwing her arms out "yeah." Demetri shared, as he scoffed "it's gonna get to the point where I'm gonna want nothing but to get away from you losers." he shared, as Isabella then punched him in the arm "ow! What did I say about personal space!" Demetri voiced.

As Isabella raised her brows "personal space?" she asked, looking to Eli, Eli smirked, as him and Isabella moved closer to Demetri not giving him the personal space he wanted, Demetri grimaced "smile!" Isabella's mom voiced, and as she did, Isabella turned around crossing her arms and as she did, Demetiri and Eli did the same, as they looked at the camera, her mom took the picture.

Remembering that moment, Isabella was holding that same picture in her hand, as someone knocked on her bedroom door, she turned around "come in!" she called out, as the door handle turned, her dad walked in "you forgot to tell me how Demetri's not exactly one for hard work." he shared, sitting down on her bed, and as he did, Isabella turned to him "well, he is! He's just always been more of a desk job guy rather then in the field. I mean we literally literally ran a mile and Demetri met us at the end and made sure the entire group was fully hydrated where he then went on to tell us all the injuries we could get if we didn't stretch or drink enough fluids." she shared.

As her dad chuckled, Isabella turned putting the picture of the three of them back on her dresser, her dad noticed it "well, Demetri came around didn't he? Sooner or later Eli.." he shared, as Isabella turned to him with raised brows "you mean, Hawk?" she asked him, as she walked over to him, scoffing "yeah, if you're gonna tell me that he'll come around soon? I can tell you right now that it's not gonna happen anytime soon." she shared, sitting down next to him.

Her dad sighed, putting his arm around her "he's just dealing with his own demons right now. I mean he used to barley even talk from what I recall and the guy I saw at the all valley definitley wasn't shy, I mean he took off his shirt in front of everybody." he shared, making Isabella laughed "and that stupid haircut." she added on "it's definitely a look." her dad shared, making Isabella laugh even harder as a smile came to her face "there's that smile." her dad told her, as Isabella leaned her head on her dad's shoulder.

The next day, Isabella, Sam and Robby were all on the dock, practicing the wheel technique "I don't know if we'll ever use this in a fight, but if we're ever forced into a dance battle, we're set." Robby shared, as Sam laughed, Isabella rolled her eyes "oh, come on, when we're in an actual fight you'll see that it's useful." she told him, misstepping and almost falling off the dock, Robby reached out and grabbed her hand, pulling her back onto it, he slammed her right into his shirtless chest though, as the two stared at each other.

Sam looked at them with raised brows "uh, hey, are we doing shirts versus skins?" Demetri asked, in which Isabella quickly moved away from Robby as all three of them looked to him "cause i'd prefer to be a shirt. Not saying that either one of you have to be a skin. Unless you two want to. I support your right to choose." Demetri shared "Demetri. Over here." their dad called out, as Demetri turned around and walked over to him, Sam furrowed her brows "and your friends with him?" she asked Isabella.

Plastic society, Miguel DiazOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora