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Chapter twelve

"Always moving in a circle." 

Isabella this morning had left for Mr Miyagi's but as she did, Sam had surprisingly come out and asked to join her, in which the two had stopped to get coffee on their way there, as they made it, Isabella parked her car as the two were drinking their coffee "dad's gonna be so excited when he finds out your gonna be joining us." Isabella shared, finishing her's as she put it in the holder, Sam chuckled "he's really that excited about this?" she asked, as Isabella raised her brows "oh yeah. I swear if he get's anymore students he's gonna start doing cartwheels." she shared, making both her and Sam laugh.

As Sam got out of the car, Isabella got out and grabbed her bag from the backseat as she turned walking off after Sam, her phone started ringing as she turned it over it was Aisha as she answered it "look, if this is about me talking to Miguel again, I already told you that I don't miss him and I'm moving on with my life." she shared "well I miss you." Miguel told her and when he did, Isabella stopped in her tracks "please don't hang up, Aisha doesn't know I'm using her phone." Miguel told her, as Isabella hummed "well then I guess I'm gonna have to have Aisha change my name to something else if your just gonna steal it and call me when I've made it clear I want nothing to do with you." she shared, as she began walking again.

"I know I screwed up. I made a mistake. I just want things to go back to the way they were." Miguel shared, as Isabella walked into the dojo, she chuckled "well don't you think I want the same thing? Everything changed the moment you said cobra kai, I started thinking about how everything could go wrong and sooner or later it did, to where I lost all my friends including you where for a second I thought you'd might actually like me before you turned into some crazy cobra kai talking about striking first and attacking the enemy! I didn't think you were like that, I thought you were different." she shared.

"Look, I'll do anything. I..I can't stop thinking about you." Miguel told her, as Isabella sighed, knowing she hadn't stopped thinking about him either, which was why she joined her dad in karate because it felt like her only escape from her thoughts "Bella?" Miguel asked her "I have to go." Isabella told him, hanging up, she put her bag down along with her phone as she turned walking out of the dojo, Sam was standing there while Robby punched the punching bag, their dad came walking out from the other side "hey, guys, oh, Sam, you decided to join us?" he asked her "yep." Sam told him.

As their dad walked over to them "alright. Perfect attendance and a new student on day one." he shared "so, what's our first lesson?" Sam asked "you'll see. Follow me." their dad said as he motioned towards himself to Sam and Robby then turned to Isabella "come on." he told her, as he began walking around the house, Sam, Robby and Isabella followed after him.

Where when they were standing out front, their dad put a bag down in front of them and cut it open with his pocket knife as he began pouring it out in a circle "if we're gonna play in the sand can't we just got the beach?" Sam asked "no, not today." their dad told them as he looked up at them and put his pocket knife away "it's been a long time since this dojo has had more then one student. And you figure with three people, you'd have triple the defense, right?" he asked "well, usually but if you spin around in a circle, you could find an opening." Isabella shared, as her dad snapped his fingers "it's almost like you've read my mind, because one of the corner stones of Miyagi do karate is always moving in a circle. And with the wheel technique, you'll soon see that three people can be as strong as twenty. Now, are you ready?" their dad asked them.

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