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Chapter ten

"The youngest sensei around." 

It was the day of the all valley, as Isabella had a braid in her hair, she had sunglasses on along with an all black outfit, as she had her hood over her head while Robby stood next to her with a baseball hat on with a pair of her sunglasses, as they were waiting in line to sign up for the all valley, Isabella kept looking around them as Robby furrowed his brows "what are you looking for?" he asked her "I am looking for anyone who may know who we are." Isabella shared, as the person in front of them, Isabella then stepped forward as Robby followed her.

"Name?" the women asked them "Robby Keene." Isabella told her 'fighting out of?" the women asked "out of encino hills.." Isabella was telling her and as she did, Robby's eyes went wide as he saw his dad and Miguel walking in, as he tapped her on the shoulder "um..um, Isa..Isabella?" he asked her "yeah?" Isabella asked him as she turned to him "we've um..we've gotta go." he told her, as Isabella furrowed her brows "what?" she asked him.

As Robby spun her around, she saw Miguel, Hawk, Aisha and the rest of the cobras getting into a circle "oh shit." she said, as the women furrowed her brows "excuse me?" she asked, as Isabella turned to her "just tell the announcer that he'll explain everything else cause we really need to go." she told the women, as Robby grabbed her arm "we have to go." he told her "it'll all make sense very..very soon." Isabella told her, as she turned walking off in the opposite direction of all the cobras with their heads down.

Standing in the locker room, Isabella sighed as she stood behind Robby with her arms crossed looking at him in his karate gi "looks good although you might think of investing in a haircut in the future." she told him, making Robby chuckle as she turned to her "says the girl who's still in disguise." he told her, as Isabella furrowed her brows "hey, all you need to remember is everything I told you to say to the announcer when you run in and everything from there on out should work as it should, as long as nobody your fighting is as good as me." she shared, making Robby laugh again "yeah, I doubt it." he shared.

As Isabella nodded "come on." she told him, putting her arm around him as the two began walking away from the lockers but then they saw the cobras standing there as they quickly backed up "we..we can wait back here." Robby told her "yep." Isabella told him nodding "from roseda, returning to the tournament, we have.." the announcer said, as the two peaked around the corner "cobra kai! Cobra kai! Cobra kai!" the cobras chanted as they began running out of the locker room, Robby's dad followed out after them, as Isabella leaned back, she took her sunglasses and her hat off, throwing them on the bench.

"And finally fighting unaffiliated from encino hills, we have Mr Robby Keene." the announcer said, as Robby turned, he began running out, although as the crowd cheered, he passed the cobras on his way but before going to his spot he went up to the announcer and whispered to him and when he did, the announcer's eyes went wide "ah huh. Ah huh, alright." he told him.

As Robby stepped away from him "I'm sorry folks, there's been a change. Robby Keene will not be fighting unaffiliated but will actually be fighting for Miyagi do karate under one of the most youngest sensei's I've ever heard of but one of the baddest girl's in the valley. Give it up for Isabella LaRusso!" the announcer voiced, as the crowd cheered loudly "what?" her etire family asked, as the cobras all furrowed their brows, Isabella came running in doing round off back hand spring, where she then landed in front.

Plastic society, Miguel Diazحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن