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Chapter eight

"Family drama."

It had been a few days since their date, as Isabella had just filmed a video outside of her doing her soccer ball trick, where she had put her kick into slow motion as she walked into the house, opening the fridge, she grabbed a water bottle and shut the fridge, opening the water bottle, she then flicked the bottle cap as it bounced off the wall and went into the garbage can, she began chugging it as her sister walked into the kitchen, she sighed "can you ever act like a girly girl?" she asked, as Isabella furrowed her brows "girly girl is not exactly in my nature." she shared.

As Sam huffed "you know, if you don't shower and change before grandma get's her mom and dad are gonna be pissed." she shared, making Isabella huff, she crushed the empty water bottle in her hands and threw it toward's the garbage can "no, no!" Sam voiced, reaching for it as the water bottle went in, Isabella shrugged as she walked past her sister, and quickly headed up the stairs.

In which not that long after, Isabella had come back downstairs, wearing her hair in two braids with a pink crop top, a white tied up cardigan and some jeans just as the door bell rang "grandma!" Anthony voiced, as he shut off his game system and got off the couch, running to the door "I think that's the only time I've ever seen him run for something other than the amazon delivery guy." Isabella shared, as Sam chuckled, the two of them walked to the door together "hey, cutie! Give me a hug." their grandma told their brother as she hugged him "oh, Sammy. When are you gonna stop getting so pretty?" their grandma asked as she hugged Sam.

Their uncle Louie walked in behind her, as their grandma then noticed Isabella and when she did, she knew every time she looked at her she saw her mom but those brown eyes of hers always reminded her of Daniels "and Isabella, still kicking the competition like your old man?" she asked her, as Isabella chuckled "yes, grandma." she told her, as the two of them hugged "oh, there's those baby browns. Get over here." their grandma then said as she pulled away from Isabella and then hugged their dad "hey, ma." their dad told her, as the two hugged.

They all then moved outside where their dad and uncle Louie were grilling while the rest of them except their mom who was getting the las things inside were sitting at the table "you know, it's bad enough that this monsters teaching kids, now he's some how convinced the all valley board to somehow let cobra kai back in the tournament." their dad shared, as Sam and Isabella looked at each other "oh, that's horrible. They can't let them back. Oh, they're nothing but a bunch of bullies." their grandma shared "yeah, but what if this time other people bullying them is what turned them into the bullies?" Isabella asked and when she did, their grandma chuckled "trust me, sweetheart, you don't know the half of it. Those cobra jerks made my little boys life miserable. Tell them how they pushed you down that hill." she shared.

"They've already heard it, ma." their dad told her "I thought it was a cliff?" Anthony asked, as Isabella huffed, putting her head down on her arms "you want pasta salad?" their mom asked their grandma "oh no, thank you, I..I don't like that prepackaged stuff from the store, it's ugh!" their grandma voiced "oh, well, I would've made some but I got home late from the dealership." their mom shared as she sat down next to Isabella, Isabella lifted her head up and looked to her "store bought is just as fine, mom." she told her "yeah, maybe for you guys but not for her." their mom whispered to her.

While their grandma said "oh no, that's ok. I get it, it's tough being a working mom. But at least you have a partner." she shared, as their dad walked over and put the food on the table "remember when I used to come home from work and then started cooking from scratch?" their grandma asked him "yeah, ma." their dad told her, as he put arm around their mom trying to comfort her, as their uncle Louie opened his beer on the chair "you know, that son of a bitch has a lot of nerve entering the tournament. Especially after everything he's done to you. And you fixed his car for free." he shared, as sat down "I don't know, man. I say we get the car back. You know, I could find out where he lives." he added on.

Plastic society, Miguel DiazWhere stories live. Discover now