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Chapter four

"Best girl on the team." 

The next morning, Isabells had made sure to shut off her phone and her computer, so she wouldn't get any messages, as she got dressed for school "Isabella, banana Rama chocolate chip pancakes are up!" her dad called out, and when he did, Isabella froze in place as she was about to put her hoodie on, cause usually her, her sister and brother would all go down stairs and eat breakfast like normal people, but now with the idea of her being anerexic potentially in the circle, she should've known things would be a little different.

Huffing, she took her hoodie off and threw it on the floor, leaving her in her t shirt, she turned grabbing her book bag and headed out of her room, and down the hallway "hey, come on, Isabella, you're missing out!" her dad called out, as Isabella headed down the stairs, at a fast pace, she headed toward's the kitchen "there's my girl!" her dad voiced, as Isabella threw her book bag down, and sat at the table, grabbing a plate, she put two pancakes on her's, as her younger brother furrowed his brows 'so are you just eating for dad or are you actually eating cause mom said you might not or even if you did, we might not know if it's.." Anthony was telling her.

Making Isabella angry as she grabbed her glass of orange juice on the table and tossed it on him "what did I say?" Anthony asked, as Isabella skipped the pancakes, and stood up, grabbing her book bag, her dad sighed "Isabella.." he told her "I'll get something on my way to school." Isabella told him, as she walked to the front door and headed out, thankfully before even her own sister did, not wanting to see her.

Having made it to school, the first thing Isabella did was walk past everyone in the hallway who were looking at her worried, but she ignored them as she turned walking into her soccer coach's office "look, I don't know what anyone's said to you but.." she was saying, as her coach laughed "oh that how my team captain is anorexic?" she asked, scoffing "no, no, no, my team captain isn't anorexic! She's the best girl on my team! It's just some stupid rumor that girls who aren't like you and me, come up with to make us feel smaller. But you Isabella LaRusso are not small, you are a force to be reckoned with! So I will see you at practice after school." she shared.

And when she did, Isabella's eyes went wide "okay." she told her, having not expected that, and more so expected to have to fight for what was her's, as she turned heading down the hallway, her three friends from the school dance came walking up to her "look, cap, we just wanted to.." one of them was saying, as Isabella stopped turning to face the three of them "what? Apologize? You three came up to me and acted like I had a problem when you of all people know that's not true. And because of it at practice today you three are gonna be playing on the opposite team." she shared, turning on her heel and walking off.

At lunch, Isabella was sitting in the library with Demetri, Miguel and Eli, as they had eaten lunch and were now just working on their homework "so, that's it? No more karate?" Demetri asked Miguel "I guess so." Miguel told him "it's probably for the best. It was starting to boost your confidence." Demetri shared "isn't that a good thing?" Miguel asked "no. What has confidence ever gotten anybody except for a black eye and their book bag thrown in the trash?" Demetri asked, as Isabella raised her brows "captain of the soccer team." she told him, as Demetri pointed his pencil at her "speaking of which, are you okay? Because I've been hearing a lot of things at school and if your hungry, I brought extra snacks." he shared.

Plastic society, Miguel DiazTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon