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Chapter thirteen 

"Miyagi do's not exactly a crowd favorite." 

Their dad had decided that making a commercial letting people know about miyagi do would help them gain more students, although Isabella was sure that the words free karate would be more of the reason for new students but knew that the moment they were told what they had to do to learn miyagi do, they would all run away faster then her and her friends did when one of their bully's showed up.

Standing outside the dojo, the three of them were sparring as Sam and Robby were blocking Isabella's hit's, she spun around them and managed to punch Robby in the side and kick Sam in the chest "can't get hit if you keep moving in a circle." Isabella shared "you know, I did make it to the all valley finals." Robby shared, as Isabella turned to him "and who coached you? Besides, if I was there, I would've beat you and it would've been me Hawk and Miguel fighting for that top spot." she shared "yes because like you said.." Sam said "I wasn't exactly sure anybody was ready for my kick." her and Robby said.

As Isabella furrowed her brows "you guys memorized my speech?" she asked, as Robby and Sam chuckled "listen. I wanna thank you." Robby told Isabella "why? I didn't do anything." Isabella shared "last week I had no hot water. This week I have a jacuzzi in my backyard." Robby shared "oh, that, right! Well, once this whole karate rivalry dies down, you'll come to know how boring the LaRusso family is, where Anthony focuses on his video games, Sam focuses on school, and I focus on soccer while our parents work at the dealership non stop! You just came at a good time!" Isabella voiced, as her, Sam and Robby laughed.

"Seriously, thank you. It's been a little rough lately. And it's nice to have people look out for you." Robby shared, as Isabella nodded "anytime. I mean we're friends, right? We do things like this for each other." she shared "not all friends." Robby told her, as their dad then came walking out "all right, guys. Enough chit chat. Let's see where you're at." he shared, as Isabella spun around, she threw a kick as Sam dodged it.

The three of them all began sparring again, two guys walked in, as their dad turned to them "good afternoon." he told them "hey, uh, we're looking for miyagi do." one of them shared "you're in the right place." their dad told them "the commercial said lesson's are free?" the other one asked, as Isabella and Sam began walking over, Robby followed them "they sure are. You guys ready to get started?" their dad asked the new guys, as the two looked to each other and nodded.

"Great. I have a couple cans of paint out front. The fence back here could use a fresh coat. Robby will show you." their dad shared, as the guys looked to each other "you want us to paint your fence?" the one on the left asked "keep an open mind guys. It'll all make sense later." Robby shared "in order to fully learn miyagi do karate, you have to unlearn your misconceptions about what constitutes training." their dad shared "wait for it.." Isabella said "wait for what?" Sam asked her "I knew this was bullshit. This was all just some scam to get kid's to do your yard work, huh?" the guy on the right asked.

"That." Isabella said "no, no, this is a part of the process." he shared "yeah. The process. My mom was right. With car salesman, you always gotta read the fine print." the one on the left shared, as their dad turned back to them "I'm not trying to sell you anything. I'm trying to teach you karate." he shared "come on. Let's go check out that place with the snake." the one on the right shared, as the two walked off, their dad turned to them "well, that went exactly as expected!" Isabella voiced, as she turned around walking off, Robby and Sam followed her to continue sparring.

The next day, their dad informed them that they would be performing at valley fest, which was a good way to show people what they could, and so they'd want to join and learn miyagi do karate, as the three were practicing their moves, their dad walked up to them "hey, guys, thanks for doing this. How you feeling?" he asked, as the three stopped and turned to him "a little short notice but I think we got it." Robby shared "let's just hope the crowd loves it. Ooh, and for the finale, I was thinking of doing one of my kicks." Isabella mentioned.

"Nah. Don't worry about the finale. I got it covered." their dad shared, as Robby turned around, pointing at the stand behind them "what's that for?" he asked "that?" their dad asked, as he turned around, reaching into the cooler and pulling out a block of ice "you'll see." he told them, smiling, the three of them all looked at each other not knowing what he was gonna do.

And later that night when it was dark out, they were wearing their gi's "all right! All right! All right! Coming up next, do I have a treat for you. Please direct your attention to the LaRusso auto booth for a presentation from miyagi do karate." a women shared, as everyone walked toward's the booth, Robby, Isabella and Sam were on stage as they all did the moves they learned from the wheel technique except they weren't moving in a circle, they all then stopped in the same position with their right arm down.

The crowd clapped, as the three of them bowed, their dad then threw Isabella a bow staff as she caught it, she began spinning it, as Robby and Sam did the same moves, spinning around, they went down on one knee and threw their left arm up and then threw a punch, as Isabella spun around, aiming the bow staff toward's the crowd.

She then spun it again, as she looked to her left and right at Robby and Sam, as they began to circle around her, she swung the bow staff at Sam who brought her arms up and blocked it, she then moved the bow staff back and spun around, jumping up she kicked at her, as Sam dodged it, the crowd gasped, as Isabella landed on her feet, she swung the bow staff toward's Robby as he flipped over it, the crowd gasped again.

Robby and Sam then faced the front, as Isabella spun the bow staff in her hand one last time, as the crowd clapped, the three of them bowed, Sam, Isabella and Robby then walked off the stage and as they did, their dad then wheeled the cart onto it that had the ice on the tray, but before he could do anything, the power on their stage went out "cobra kai!" Miguel yelled, as Isabella, Sam and Robby walked back on stage, they watched as they all ran through "cobra kai! Cobra kai!" they chanted, heading past the crowd and to the bigger stage, the crowd began to follow them "what the hell is going on here?" their dad asked.

As they all watched them on that stage, showing off their skills with flashing lights and sparks, Miguel and Hawk then began fighting their opponents, as their dad turned looking at the three of them, they could see the disappointment on his face, Aisha had then gone up and was punching and kicking boards blindfolded, then Hawk had pulled someone up from the crowd and handed him a board as he ran, he jumped off of someone's hands and flew in the air, as he kicked the board, breaking it.

Then they all were throwing out merch, until cement blocks were on stage as Johnny Lawerence walked up to it, two people then walked up setting it on fire, he then punched his fist through it, breaking it, their mom then walked onto the stage, putting her arm around their dad, she began leading him off, as Isabella shook her head, she rolled her eyes as she turned following after them, now knowing how they must've felt when she came in and stole the show at the all valley, and it wasn't a good one.

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