"No harm in setting up something to come back to"
he gives a nonchalant shrug

"I don't intend on coming back"
your brows furrow in determination

"Is that so?"
he muses

Your steps slow down, coming to a pause noticing the grand glass barrier. It was near the entrance, you had completely missed it when arriving. You had to admit, the underwater scenery was mesmerizing. Your feet instinctively stepping closer for a better look, eyes glinting in reflection to the bioluminescent sea creatures mindlessly floating around. The moonlight peaking from above. It was beautifully terrifying being down at such a depth. Taking in the view until satisfied you finally turned to him, noting he stood next to you in admiration of the same scenery.

It's sensible that he spends most of his time in these depths to complete his responsibilities but, he isn't restricted like other convicts. While he may be used to this place surely even he needs an ounce of the overworld to remain sane. You recalled how the eyes of the guard that retrieved you were senstive to the sun, thus you mustn't stay down here for long in fear you may grow unadjusted to the land you missed. The fortress of meropide is not for everyone and you did your absolute best to abide by the rules to prevent such trouble.

"Well we didn't come to look at the fish, here get to scrubbing"
he hands you a mop

"Is this what you do for fun?"
you looked at him with reluctance while accepting the mop

"It's better to be productive while we talk don't you think?"

"What even is there to talk about"
you huffed, beginning to swab the floor

"What was your little life like before all this?"
he asks as a start to get to know you better

"Simple- for the most part... definitely not the most popular occupation. The Melusines while needy are super sweet especially in the letters of gratitude they send me. I always felt proud in my success to aid their troubles efficiently."

"With the support you provided them, they definitely seem to respect you. When Sigewinne has her companions over they tend to trouble me with mischevous, adorning all my possessions in stickers"
he sighs sarcastically, indicating he wasn't genuinely bothered by their antics

"They like to have fun, must be boring here"
you shrug, defending their little prank

"What else was pleasant about you're life up there?"
he noticed you begin to loosen up

"Definitely was less grimy, patrol days allowed me to take in the beauty of a sunny day. Fontaine is quite the pretty nation with its lively romantic aspects such as flowers, art, and fashion."
it felt motivating to reminisce, something to look forward to in this hopeless place

he chuckles at your slight slip of passion for the overworld,
"hah.. you reminded me why I don't keep any pets down here"

your brows furrow, unsure if that was a good thing

"Cruel to keep them casted away from the sun and nature they enjoy"
he explains

you stopped swabbing to think for a moment
"Surely there's an alternative... insects, underground rodents, a local sea creature perhaps"

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