Plans and Assistance

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"So, they're working for someone else?" asked Ruby.

The Skylanders, Team RWBY and JNPR were gathered together in an empty classroom, and discussing what they had just learned.

"Yes," said Ninjini, "It seems that something bigger is happening. I fear that this Cinder has something in mind."

"Say, where's Magna Charge?" asked Pop Fizz, "Didn't you say he was right behind you?"

Just then, said Tec Skylander rolled in, saying, "Hey, sorry about that. I just found the eavesdropper, and brought her along."

Penny then came in, saying, "SAL-U-TATIONS!"

"Penny!!" cried Ruby, hugging her friend, "How are you? Where did you go after the docks? Is that a new bow? Are you friends with Magna Charge?"

"Easy Ruby," said Spyro, "She just got here."

"In order, I'm fine Friend Ruby. I was taken back to Atlas for a while. Yes, this is a new bow, and I am friends with Magna Charge."

"When did you two become friends?" asked Yang.

"Well, Penny is not like you entirely. She's.... well, more like me, Drill Sergeant, Bouncer and Gear Shift."

Eruptor then said, "Wait, you mean she's a robot?"

"I'm the first Synthetic Lifeform to produce Aura."

"Based on what I've heard," said Stealth Elf, "Aura can only be produced by beings with a soul. Whoever made you must be a genius!"


Everyone turned to see an open window. In it, was a blonde boy, with an open shirt, blue jeans, and yellow sneakers. What was surprising, is that he was hanging upside down from his tail.

 What was surprising, is that he was hanging upside down from his tail

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"Sun?" asked Blake, "What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to see what you guys were up to," said Sun, "Nothing wrong with that."

Sun then turned to the other occupants, and said, "You must be those Skylanders I've heard of."

"Blake, who's this guy?" asked Bouncer.

"He's Sun," said Blake, "He's a Student from Haven visiting for the Vytal Festival. He arrived earlier, by stowing away on a boat from Mistral."

Penny then walked to Sun, and said, "Please, do not tell anyone about this. My father doesn't like people knowing about me."

"No problem," said Sun, and he turned to the window, "Hear that Neptune? This is a SECRET secret, not an, 'I'm gonna tell Scarlet the moment Sun turns his back' secret, GOT IT!?"

Wash buckler, Pyrrha, Nora, Weiss, Blake, and Swarm looked out the window, seeing a boy with blue hair standing on the ledge of the window.

Wash buckler, Pyrrha, Nora, Weiss, Blake, and Swarm looked out the window, seeing a boy with blue hair standing on the ledge of the window

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"Hey there," he said, "Can I come in? It's a really long fall from here."

Wash Buckler then helped him inside, and the boy said, "Sup, name's Neptune."

"So, what's our next move?" asked Blast Zone.

"Well," said Spyro, "I think we should at least inform Ozpin, and then see to it that we get some eyes out there."


"You may have delayed my inevitable victory so far, but you will soon face, the taste, of defeat, at the HANDS OF KAOS!!!"

Kaos then threw the dice, and said, "HA!! Double Wilikins! You've all been casted into the Never-Ending Pit of Defeat."

Neo then pulled out a sign saying, That's a good hand.

"Oh, thank y-"

Neo flipped the sign, with it now saying, If you put that effort into beating the Skylanders, you'd rule everything by now.


Just then, Glumshanks came in, saying, "Um, Lord Kaos, I think you should see this."

Kaos and Neo came out, and Kaos saw some faces he never wanted to see again: The Doom Raiders.

They were all talking amongst the Minions and White Fang, as Cinder came and said, "Who are you all?"

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They were all talking amongst the Minions and White Fang, as Cinder came and said, "Who are you all?"

"We, my dear, are the Doom Raiders," said the Golden Queen, "And we have been promised something in return."

Kaos then launched his dark powers at the Golden Queen, actually making her fall to her knees.


"That's no way to speak to your guests Kaos."

Kaos saw someone sitting on a throne carried by Cyclops into the room. The top half of the dress was a V-neck blouse with two collars. The upper half was black, with pink rhinestones that form half of Kaos' symbol and splits on her lower body with deep pink, thick borders that flare outward. The second half, on the inside, was a two-piece with gold lining that resembles a hood. She also wore a pink-jeweled hair net that shapes her black hair like horns, a pink diamond above her forehead, magenta eye-shadow and lipstick, a gold choker with a large pink pendant, black gloves that reach below her elbows, and one pink gemstone ring.

 She also wore a pink-jeweled hair net that shapes her black hair like horns, a pink diamond above her forehead, magenta eye-shadow and lipstick, a gold choker with a large pink pendant, black gloves that reach below her elbows, and one pink gemst...

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"Who are you?" asked Roman.

"Mother," said Kaos, "What are you doing here? How did you escape that mirror you trapped yourself in?"

"Why am I here?" asked Kaossandra, "Why, I've come to help. And I've convinced the Doom Raiders to follow your lead this time. As for how I escaped, I used the full power of the Darkness. While it is not in this dimension, I can still use it's powers."

Kaos grimaced. This was going to be much more difficult than he thought.

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