Kaos Show Kase

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Beacon Academy

Everyone at Beacon was staring at the little man, who had been identified as Kaos, gave off a menacing feeling to everyone. However, it was broken by Ruby asking, "You mean Baldy Short-Stack is the guy you guys keep talking about?"

The tension was broken with laughter from everyone, even Stealth Elf, Ninjini, Chop-Chop and Drill Sergeant were laughing hard. And Ozpin and Goodwitch couldn't help but give a little chuckle to the name.

"Sir, you have to admit it is a bit funny," said Glumshanks.

Kaos just gritted his teeth, and blasted a wave of dark energy, making everyone stop laughing, as he yelled, "SILENCE!"

The Dark Portal Master was looking around, making sure that everyone had his attention.

"Good, now that we have the silliness out of the way, I, KAOS, am here to claim Beacon Academy as my palace. I've heard that this place is meant to be a symbol of hope. Well, when I take it, it will be a my Ultimate Evil Symbol of DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! HA HA HA HA HA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!"

Kaos then heard clicking, and saw all the students with projectile weapons pointed right at him. Goodwitch then slowly walked towards him, and stopped 10 ft away from him. She then said, "I understand that you and our Skylander guests are new here, but you should have picked up that this academy is trained to teach people to fight against the forces of evil. Do you really think that you can win against us?"

She then gestured to the students with weapons primed.

"HA!" said Kaos, "I SAY HA! You think that these cheap weapons are a match against me, a Dark Portal Master?"

Just then, a thunk was heard, and Kaos and Glumshanks looked down to see a grenade with a pink heart on it, before exploding, and covering the two in suit. The Portal Master and Troll blinked a few times, before seeing where the grenade came from. Nora had Magnhild pointed at them, and the tip was smoking a bit.


"Um, sir," said Glumshanks, "I think we may have bitten off more than we can chew."

For once, Kaos actually agreed.

"Never mind, my quarrel is with the Skylanders, no you. For now, BEHOLD, MY MINIONS!"

All around Kaos, Trolls, Greebles, Chompies and Grimm landed around them. The Remnant Natives noticed that these Grimm were more stone like, and had glowing purple crystals on them.

"You used Petrified Darkness on the Grimm!?" asked Stealth Elf.

"Oh yes indeed," said Kaos, "And now, they obey me. ATTACK!"


The Skylanders took off, rushing around making sure that the minions didn't harm the students.

Spyro charged head first, and rammed into the Chompies, knocking them away. He then launched fire balls, making them fly over the cliff.

Gill Grunt shot harpoons, and then charged up a massive anchor, making the Trolls fly away.

Wallop was smashing the Grimm with his hammers, until he was tackled by an Evilized Ursa. Then, Trigger Happy shot some gold coins at the Grimm, making it fall back, and laughing all the while shooting. He then charged up a big shot, and launched it, creating a steam of energy, disintegrating the Ursa.

Snap Shot was shooting down some of the trolls, and slammed down, creating whirlpools.

Drill Sergeant was mowing down the Grimm like they were just blades of grass, and nothing more.

Stealth Elf and Gear Shift were doing a tag team battle, using their blades to slice through the Grimm, and launching each other into the air, slamming down.

Eruptor threw fire balls, and barfed lava, melting the Grimm.

Jet-Vac was sucking up all the enemies in his range, and launching them back at the other enemies.

Pop Fizz was throwing all sorts of Sodas he had, and then drank one, making him go Frenzy, and slash and punch all the minions he could see.

The Swap Force was swapping as often as they could, and using their abilities to the fullest, as Chop Chop, Spitfire, Knight Light and Knight Mare were taking out any minions that tried to get any of the students.

The Giants were taking on an Evilized Goliath, which was a large elephant like Grimm, and they were taking care of it well. Bouncer grabbed the trunk, and Jituzu throw, and the Grimm was slammed onto the ground. Ninjini and Swarm then flew around, slashing the soft unprotected areas of the underside, and cutting off the trunk. The Grimm roared in pain, as Tree Rex was launched up, and his left fist grew massive, with large thorns on the top, and slammed it down onto the head of the Goliath, killing it.

And soon, all the minions were defeated. Kaos was in utter shock, "How is is possible that all the lame evil minions work for me. HOW!? Whatever. Try and fend off THIS!"

Kaos launched dark lightning, as Wild Fire jumped forward, and reflected the attack back at Kaos, shocking him. Kaos stopped his attack, and looked dizzy, as he said, "Fear... my... giant... floating... head!"

He then fell backwards, and picked himself up.

"No matter. This was only a test. But know, I will soon make you rue the day that you dared to mess with me, KAOS! HA HA HA HA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!"

Kaos then teleported himself and Glumshanks away before the Skylanders caught him.

"Dang it," said Spyro, "He got away."

"We'll get him Spyro," said Stealth, "All we can do right now, is train to get stronger."

"Skylanders," said Ozpin, "I believe I speak out for all of us, when I say, thank you. You have truly shown your worth."

"Of course Professor," said Spyro, "We'd do anything to stop Kaos or any evil, any where."

Tree Rex then heard Cardin say, "Whatever freaks."

Tree Rex then walked over to Cardin, towing over him. The bully coward in fear, and used a Thorn Slam right on him. He then dusted his hands, walking ways, leaving Cardin half way into the ground, and a cartoonishly large cone shaped bump on his head.

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