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To say that the fight with Roman wouldn't go unnoticed was an understatement. Smoke was seen from Beacon in Vale, and Ozpin got a call from the VVN, asking to have an interview with him explaining it.

Ozpin called Spyro to his office to discuss with him the news.

"Well, I'm not surprised," said Spyro, "Honestly, I'm amazed that nobody from the academy has spotted us yet."

"To be honest," said Ozpin, "I'm afraid of how the public will react to you if you are revealed."

"Hey, we've taken down many things," said Spyro, "We can handle some slander. Plus, I'm sure we could change the minds of a few people if we said something about the behavior. Not to mention, that if we are revealed, we could have more freedom to find Kaos."

"Indeed," said Ozpin, "I have considered that before, but worried about the public."

"Well, we all discussed it," said Spyro, "And we've all agreed to reveal ourselves."

"They all agreed?" asked Goodwitch.

"It took some reasoning with some of the more cautious Skylanders, but they soon saw our reason to be seen. I'll inform them that you green lit our showcase."

Spyro left the office, and Goodwitch then asked, "Are you sure it is a good idea to reveal the Skylanders to the Public?"

"If this Kaos is as dangerous as they say he is," said Ozpin, "Then they must be free to roam around to find him."

That night, Ozpin was with New Anchor Linda Lavender. All around, was a small camera crew getting everything set up.

"Okay, are we ready?" asked Linda.

"Yep," said the camera man, "We are live in 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2..." He fingered 1, and pointed to Linda, as the red light blinked.

"Hello, this is Linda Lavender, coming to you live with Professor Ozpin of Beacon Academy," said Linda, "Professor, thank you for taking the time to speak with us."

"Of course Linda," said Ozpin.

"Now, some viewers have questions about the smoke that was seen from the cliff side three days ago," said Linda, "Do you have any information about that?"

"Yes," said Ozpin, "An attempted attack on Beacon was attempted by Roman Torchwick."

"Roman Torchwick?! Goodness!"

"Yes, and thanks to some new allies, Roman was easily defeated before any real damage could be done."

"New allies? Do you mean some new students from the first years, or visitors from other academies for the Vytal Festival?"

"No, he means me and my friends," said a voice.

Linda looked to see something she thought she would never see in her life.

"Oh my goodness!" she exclaimed, standing up on her chair, "IS THAT A PURPLE DRAGON!?"

The camera turned towards Spyro, who just waved at it, and said, "Hey there."

"Ms. Lavender, please," said Ozpin, "Calm down, he's harmless."

"Make that 'mostly harmless'," said Spyro, walking up to the set, camera following him, "I can kick but pretty easily."


"Excuse me," said Linda, who managed to sit down, but still on edge a bit, "But who, and WHAT are you?"

"Well, Ms. Lavender, was it?" asked Spyro, "My name is Spyro, leader of a group of heroes known as the Skylanders. And we hail from a world far away, known as Skylands."

"So... you're aliens?"

Spyro shrugged, "I guess you could say that. We do have humans in Skylands, but they're rather rare compared to the resident Mabu, Cyclopses and Trolls that populate a majority of Skylands."

"How did you get here?" asked Linda, finally regaining her composure.

Spyro soon explained all about Skylands, the Portal Masters, and Skylands, as the rest of the Skylanders came out and introduced themselves, and showed off abilities at times when they explained their class.

"Now, for my final question: do you mean us any harm?"

"Not at all," said Spyro, "We defend everyone from all sorts of evil, no matter how different they are."

"But you maybe targeted by Anti-Faunus groups."

Jet-Vac then spoke up, "Okay, that's enough! Look, you out there, you just need to grow up! So what if someone looks different from you? That's no reason to bully them! I was often picked on for giving up my wings to save a mother carrying her child, but I was given this special Jet-Vac, and made me special amongst the Skylanders. If you beat up someone because they have a tail or ears, then you're no better than the Grimm you fear."

The Skylanders were proud of Jet-Vac, and Pop said, "Man, I had no idea you had that in you Jet-Vac. You're usually one of the most level headed of us."

"It had to be said," said Jet-Vac, "Otherwise, who knows what would happen."

"And what of the White Fang? You maybe targeted by them."

"What about them?" asked Gill Grunt, "We haven't done anything to provoke them. Unless they're with that Roman Candlestick."

"Hey, fish for brains," said Snap Shot, "Didn't you hear? Roman IS working with the Fang."

"... I knew that," said Gill Grunt, "But, we do know how to defend ourselves."

"Enough with the male postering guys," said Stealth, "We're on TV."

"Sorry," said Spyro, "Point is, we have been fighting forces of darkness for years, and will continue to no matter where we are."

"Very well. Thank you for clarifying. This is Lisa Lavender, signing off."

Teams RWBY and JNPR were watching the broadcast, and smiled.

"Man, that was good," said Yang.

"Jet-Vac seemed like he had some experience with bullying," said Blake.

"Should we show them around Vale tomorrow?" asked Ruby.

"Sounds good," said Jaune, "Although, we may need to wait for the weekend."

The Skylanders arrived back at Beacon, and the two teams asked them if they'd like to see Vale on the Weekend. The Core Skylanders, minus Stealth Elf, who said she would be working with Ninjini to contact Master Eon, agreed. And they would see what their effect on the kingdom would be.

(Okay, so I plan on having Kaos revealed soon. And after he makes an alliance with Cinder, I plan on having an old boss with him looking for the Maiden and Relic. So, who should it be, Drill-X, or Mesmerelda?)

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