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Location: Beacon Academy

It was a peaceful day in Vale, and all the students at Beacon Academy were relaxing for the weekend.


Well, most were.

"RUBY!" cried a white haired girl.

This was Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, was interrupted from studying by her team leader, Ruby Rose.

Said leader looked at Weiss and said, "Sorry Weiss, I thought I saw a spider."

"Um, Ruby," said Yang, older sister to Ruby, "It was a fly."

"Besides," said Blake, a Faunus in hiding, "Don't we have a fly swatter. You know I have sedative hearing."

"Sorry, it's just that Crescent Rose is the first thing that come to mind in a dangerous situation. Besides, I'm sure no one will notice."

Just then, a sonic boom that shattered every window in the academy. Team RWBY looked out their window.

"WHAT WAS THAT!?" cried a voice from across the hall.

It was Team JNPR, Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie, Pyrrha Nikos, and Lie Ren. "Did Ruby go crazy on another fly?" asked Jaune.

"Two things Jaune," said Blake, "One, yes, Ruby did shoot another fly, but one bullet couldn't do this damage. Two, look!"

The teams looked to see something had landed in the Forest of Forever Fall and the court yard had craters within them and they all ran out to see what it was.

What they saw was amongst the strangest creatures they had ever seen. Some looked like fairytale creatures, some were huge, some robots, and some that looked like anthropomorphic animals. They didn't know what to say about these creatures. The creatures were covered in burns and scratches as well.

"WHAT IS GOING ON OUT HERE!?" cried a voice.

It was Glynda Goodwitch, the assistant headmaster of Beacon.

"MISS. XIAO LONG! I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO WATCH YOUR TEMPER!" Yang, who was currently eyeing the boxing man, pointed to the creatures.

Glynda looked to where Yang was pointing, and her anger was forgotten in an instant.

"Quick, get these creatures to the medical wing, now! I'll help with the giants!"

They all carried the creatures to the medical wing, and watched over them all, hoping for one of them to wake up and explain who and what they are.

Next Day

11:30 A.M

Spyro woke up, and shot open his eyes, regretting it instantly, as blinding light entered them. He squinted the best he could, and let his eyes adjust to the light. When they did, he was looking right into a pair of blue eyes just inches away from him.

Nora then did her famous "Boop" to Spyro, and the dragon flipped out, saying, "HEY! KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF WOMAN!"

"Oh, one of them is awake, no thanks to Miss Valkyrie," said Glynda.

"Don't mind Nora," said Ren, "She's just like that. So, what exactly are you?"

"I thought that would be obvious," said Spyro, "I'm a dragon."

"But are you and your friends an experiment of the White Fang?" asked Glynda.

"The What Fang?" asked Spyro, "Is that a new minion of Kaos or something?"

"What chaos?" asked Jaune.

Just then, the other Skylanders woke up, and shook off the dizziness.

"Hey guys!" said Spyro, "Good to see you're all awake. We might have a situation here. Based on the reactions of these people here, I don't think we're in Skylands anymore."

"Wait," said Gill Grunt, "If we're not in Skylands, then how are we not frozen?"

"I don't know," said Ninjini, "But there must be a strong powerful force here if we're not frozen. Similar to the magic of Skylands."

"While your story sounds impressive," said a voice, "I believe introductions might be in order please."

Everyone turned to see Professor Ozpin, Headmaster of Beacon Academy.

"Very well, my name's Spyro."

"Gill Grunt."

"Trigger Happy!"

"Is he always like that?" asked Yang to Stealth.

"Sadly yes. Anyway, I'm Stealth Elf."


"Drill Sergeant

"Pop Fizz."

"I am Chop-Chop."


"Name's Tree Rex."




"Wash Buckler."

"Blast Zone."

"Freeze Blade."

"Stink Bomb."

"Magna Charge."

"Night Shift."

"Snap Shot."


"Gear Shift."

"Wild Fire."

"Knight Light."

"Knight Mare, and we're the Skylanders."

"Pleasure to meet you Skylanders," said Ozpin, "I am Professor Ozpin, headmaster of Beacon Academy."

"I am Glynda Goodwitch, assistant to Professor Ozpin."

"Hi, I'm Ruby Rose, I lead Team RWBY, which is made up of me, Weiss, Blake, and Yang, my older sister."

"I'm Jaune Arc. I lead Team JNPR, that's Pyrrha, Ren, and I think you've already met Nora."

"Nice to meet you all," said Bouncer, "Although, it's a bit cramped in here."

"I know," said Swarm.

"How did we even get in here?" asked Tree Rex.

"It wasn't easy to say," said Glynda.

"So, how about we tell you all about our worlds, after we find a way to get the giants out of here," said Spyro.

"I don't see a problem with that," said Ozpin.

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