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Gill Grunt was in the courtyard of Beacon, thinking about going for a swim, when he spotted Jaune sitting on the steps just outside the cafeteria.

"Hey, Jaune," said Gill, scaring the Arc, "What's wrong?"

"Oh.... well... I.... I just got....."

"You're in love, aren't you?"

"How can you tell?"

"In my youth, before I became a Skylander, I fell in love myself. I met a mermaid."

"Was she pretty?"

"Oh, she was BEAUTIFUL. I met her when I joined the Gill Man Military, and looking around a misty lagoon. I'll never forget the first time I ever saw her. She was singing, and I actually stumbled and mumbled like an idiot, but she understood. She liked me as well. We talked for a while, but I had to get back on my way. I promised that I would return to her."

Gill's smile then turned into a frown.

"But, I was too late. I returned a few years later, only to find out the mermaid had been kidnapped by pirates. I've searched all of Skylands to find her, but I found nothing. But, I have never given up hope. I joined the Skylanders to help protect all from evil, and also keeping an eye for my lost love or the pirates that took her."

Jaune then said, "Wow. I'm.... so sorry that happened to you Gill."

"So, what happened to you?" asked Gill.

Jaune then said, "I... I was just being cool. My dad always said that girls look for confidence in a man."

"I don't think that's what he meant," said Gill, "I think he meant be confident in being yourself. You should just be yourself, instead of risking your life being someone you're not. So just talk with her, and see where it goes from there."

Jaune looked at Gill, and said, "Yeah. You're right. I should just talk with her. Now, I can win Weiss' heart!!!"

"Wait, Weiss?" asked Gill, "What about Pyrrha?"

Jaune looked back at Gill, and asked, "What about Pyrrha?"

Gill stared at Jaune for a few seconds, before falling back, and laughing out loud, kicking his legs.


Jaune was dumbfounded.

"What!?" he exclaimed, "What do you mean? Pyrrha and I are just friends."

"Yeah, Pyrrha's a friend who helps you with your homework, trains you after school, walks with you, AND wants to have a date with you!"

"Oh come on, how do you know this!?" asked Jaune.

"Trig looking in her diary," said Gill bluntly.

Jaune's face turned into a bewildered look.

"P-P-Pyrrha wants to go on a date with me?" asked Jaune.

"Yeah," said Gill.

"But that was no reason to look into her diary."

The two turned to see Weiss walking up to them.

"How much did you hear?" asked Jaune.

"You thinking about how to confess to me," said Weiss, "But, the reason I came here is to, apologize for my 'choice' of words I had for you. Plus, hearing what Gill Grunt said, I can't stand to see an idiot ignore the one who loves him."

"Just go to Pyrrha," said Gill, "And talk with her. See how she feels about you."

Jaune, feeling confidence once more, said, "Okay, I'll go and see her."

On the other side of Vale, Kaos was brought up to speed on the plan.

"I see," said Kaos, "So, you plan on taking down Beacon, and gathering these Relics. Interesting."

"Indeed," said Cinder, "For now, we will lay low, and not do anything for the time being."

Kaos nodded, and as soon as Cinder was gone, he turned to Glumshanks saying, "Now, let us see here. If I were to hide a great power, where would I put it? I know, under my own feet!! Glumshanks, I think it's time to reintroduce an old friend of the Skylanders!"

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