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I said I would update on the 11th and now its the 23rd 🥲 I'M SO SO SORRY GUYS please forgive me😭😭
I don't have some traumatic excuse to give you guys, I was just so lazy and didn't have ANY motivation to write anything
After almost 2 weeks I'm still not coming up with fresh ideas anymore but I'll keep trying so I can keep updating for you guys😭

Mizu had stayed away from you, walking behind since you had been giving her strange looks throughout the whole time. Trying to hide yourself away from her and using Ringo as your shield.

'Where are we going?' you slipped the paper to Ringo.

"To find you some..." he hesitated as he looked down at you with a pitiful smile. "Help."

'I'm fine.' '?' you held up.

"Yeah, but still! Just don't worry about it, y/n," was all he said before going on about another one of his stories.

Eventually, they reached a more crowded town. Even with it being the dead of night, the streets were still filled with people, many of whom were drunk. Trying to find an inn this late at night was horrible since most places were already occupied.

By chance, there was an inn with one room left. It was narrow with barely any room to move. The futons were placed tightly together with the kitchen being in the same room. The only light was coming from outside and the small lantern hung in the middle of the room.

"Y/n, you should come help me," Ringo waved you over, putting down his bag and taking out some ingredients. You nodded, getting up from the futon and walking a couple of steps over to the kitchen. You chopped the vegetables and gave them to Ringo as he cooked some noodles in a pot. The food smelled better than the food back at the man's house. Finally being able to taste what real food was, you were starting to doubt if the man even served food or just flavorless slush.

Taigen and Mizu both had left, leaving you and Ringo alone. The two of you sat there eating until you had finished all the food already. You had already begun to start getting tired and started to get ready for bed. You were already fast asleep by the time Taigen and Mizu had returned.

It was hard for you to get any sleep; you had this feeling like someone was watching you the whole night.

You woke in the morning early as the sun was just rising in the east. It took a while before everyone else woke up, but eventually, you had all set out. The main reason you were even in a village was to find you some help to try and get your memories back.

It was hard to even get directions to the nearest doctor, but after talking to a couple more people, you had eventually made it. Inside it was pretty big compared to most you've ever seen.

"It might take a while before someone can see you, y/n," Taigen came back to where you guys were sitting as he sat right down.

You nodded slowly, keeping your gaze on the floor. You sat between Ringo and Taigen while Mizu was by Ringo. It was awkward between them, except for you since you still hadn't had an idea of who Mizu was. You would occasionally peek over to see them sitting there, not having an expression on their face the whole time.

After what was around an hour, you were finally able to be seen by someone. The four of them were led to a room by who you assumed was the doctor.

You sat in front of him, that was when you took notice of how young he was. He seemed to be around your own age.

"What seems to be the problem?" he flashed you a smile. You didn't know how to respond since you still didn't know the reason you were here, only giving him a shrug. Ringo whispered something in his ear; you tried to read his face but he only nodded.

"Do you know your name?" was his first question. You nodded and wrote it down on the paper, 'y/n l/n.'

"And do you know your friends?" you looked behind you to see them.

'Yes, two.' 'Ringo and Taigen.'

"You don't know who Mizu is, correct?" (for this, I made the doctor know all their names)

You shook your head; from what they had told you was that they were a friend of Ringo, which you had no recollection of.

For the rest of the time, he was only asking further questions about what you remembered. All of which you did know. For some reason, Mizu was the only thing you hadn't had a clue about. The doctor had circled back to questions about what you remembered when you were with them.

"Y/n, can you remember when you were with Ringo and Taigen?"

You sighed trying to remember something. Many memories popped up from what you remembered, the first time you met Taigen and then to the first time you met Ringo. Still having a clear memory of those days.

While you were still thinking, there was always a figure in the picture. From the memories you had of the two, there next to you was someone. You tried to put a face to them but nothing. You hadn't had an idea of who that was. That figure was everywhere in all your memories. They were even there before Ringo.

'I remember meeting Taigen,' you slid him the paper, 'and Ringo.'

"Was there someone before all this?" he asked.

You inhaled sharply, still nothing was coming to mind. Mizu was watching you from behind, her heart pounding rapidly.

She was wishing for you to remember something of her; it was easy to tell that she was enamored (1) of you. Mizu could easily think back on the day you two met; she had a clear vision of that day. But you couldn't; everything in your head was fuzzy. [1 enamored – inflamed with love or passion] 

The doctor had whispered something to Ringo and Taigen which prompted them to leave the room. Now it was Mizu, you and the paper left.

"I'll be right outside," the doctor said before sliding the door closed.

'Mizu' the name repeated in your head, slowly the figure was changing.

You were biting down on your lip, waiting for a face to show on the figure.

Mizu was startled as she looked up from the floor to see you looking right at her with wide eyes.

"Y/n," she spoke slowly, not knowing what you wanted from her.

'Mizu' , you slid her the paper.

You blinked a couple of times before writing something down.

'I remember you.'

"Mute" Mizu X F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now