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Your confession lingered in the air as Mizu quickly sat up. She felt a mix of emotions washing over her as the words you said repeated over and over in her head. You were still oblivious to what you said, with the amount of sake you had still left in your system, keeping your eyes fixed on Mizu. You took notice of how her cheeks had a slight red tint to them, but it quickly disappeared as she took a deep breath in before regaining her composure once again. She cleared her throat before speaking up.

"Y/n, you're not in the right state of mind; you don't know what you're saying right now," she paused. "We can talk about this when you're sober." She kept a calm tone as you continued to keep a smile on your face, still not taking in on what's happening.

She sighed, realizing the complexity of the situation. She decided it was best to let you rest, hoping that the effects of the sake would wear off by morning. Gently, she took the paper from your hands and put it away back into your bag. Mizu got up and headed for the door. Before she could slide the door open, she felt a light tap on her head. She turned around to see you sitting up on the futon with a piece of paper. You began to rip small pieces off the corners of the paper, crumbling it, and throwing it straight at Mizu. She caught the small piece of paper before it could hit her and walked back over to you.

"Y/n, you need to rest," she explained as she took the paper you had from your hands. You grabbed her arm as you tried pulling her in. She took a hold of your hand as she pried her arm free from your weak grasp. You patted the empty space next to you with a big grin; she looked at you with a stoic expression as she shook her head and left you in the room.

You don't know if she returned back to the room since you fell asleep almost instantly. Your eyes slowly opened as you were blinded by the morning sun shining through the window. A small groan escaped your lips as you were welcomed with the taste of the sake still wavering in your mouth. Not only that, but there was a faint smell of sake stuck to your clothing. The room was quiet, but in your head, there was this obnoxious drumming sound coming from your ears. You shut your eyes, hoping the pain would go away. You spent the first five minutes just groaning in pain as you rolled from side to side.

Your mouth was dry, and it pained you every time you swallowed. It felt like this was going to be the end for you. As you laid back down and felt your eyes dropping, you heard the door sliding open and saw Mizu standing there with a cup of water in her hand.

You instantly sat up, which caused you to feel immense pain as you felt a banging feeling in your head. As your hand made contact with your head, you started to remember all the things you did last night, from drinking the sake to your confession.

You felt your heart stop as the world seemed to stop moving, and Mizu's voice only came out as muffled speaking. Your ears were ringing as you grabbed the blanket and let out a scream of embarrassment. You felt the hand of Mizu rubbing your back as her words only came out as muffled again. She tried to see why you were suddenly screaming, and soon everyone was now in your room. Taigen, who just woke up to hear the blood-curdling scream, and Ringo, who was making you breakfast to help with your hangover.

"What's going on?" Ringo asked, running into the room, holding up his hands with a small cutting knife stuck to it as he looked around for danger, only to see you still screaming into the blanket as Mizu tried to get you to stop.

Taigen, who was leaning on the frame of the door, rubbing his eyes as he yawned, asked, "Is she still drunk?"

The two of them were kicked out by Mizu as she shot them a glare that said more than enough. They quickly ran out and shut the door behind them as you finally stopped screaming.

How could you let yourself mess up that easily? From all your screaming, your throat was now ten times worse. You removed the blanket from your face and saw Mizu grabbing the cup and bringing it to your mouth as you drank from the cup. Water never tasted as rich before; you savored every drop of the water as she placed down the empty cup on the floor.

"Are you feeling any better?" Mizu asked, brushing the loose strand of hair from your face. Mizu wasn't one for caring for others, but she held a small spot for you in her heart, a way to thank you for the help you've given her before.

You slowly nodded, but your eyes kept on looking at everything but her; it was hard not to look at her since she was right there. Your shaky hand reached for the paper as you scribbled down 'I'm sorry for what I said last night.'

"It's-" she swallowed, pausing in between, "it's fine," she said, giving you back the paper. The awkward tension in the room only stiffened as the two of you just sat there. Despite Mizu keeping a calm and stoic exterior, inside, she was feeling a haze of emotions.

"Once you're ready, we'll head back out," she said, leaving you in the room. You enjoyed the meal Ringo gave you and quickly packed the little belongings you had and the sake too. It was still awkward to be by Mizu as you guys headed back out to the journey. You would always get a flashback to what you said that night and would bite the inside of your cheek in embarrassment anytime that happened.

If only you had stayed mute that night.

From a young age, you were always speaking. It didn't matter where or with whom you would always be speaking your mind. Being mute was by choice; it wasn't like you had some long-term trauma that caused this. You just stopped talking after the age of twelve.

"I bet you can't go a whole day without talking," your childhood friend told you. Being a naive child, you took this as a challenge. You went the whole day without talking, then a week, a month, then soon it went on to be years. But obviously, last night, you broke this streak. It's been so long since you've spoken that it still feels weird to you that you actually said something. And out of all the things you could've said, you choose to say that.

"Y/n, are you coming?" Mizu asked as you stood daydreaming in the doorway.

You snapped out of your trance as you nodded, walking out. Keeping your eyes on the floor, you saw as Mizu held out her hand for you to take. The world stopped moving; everything was moving so slowly as you lifted your head to see her looking in the other direction with her hand stretched out for you to take. As if you were moving in slow motion, you took her hand in yours as the two of you walked hand in hand.

"Mute" Mizu X F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now