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           Now only two people knew about Mizu's secret, though she didn't trust Ringo to keep her secret as well as you would, especially since he won't ever stop speaking. Mizu wanted to try and get as far away from Ringo as possible. She went through different paths to throw him off track. It was hard to keep yourself from falling since she would go more on the edge of the small hills and pick the route with the most snow, causing you to slip every so often. Luckily, Mizu had faster reflexes than you and always caught you.

Once she thought it was far enough from Ringo, she slowed down, and you took in the scenery from where the two of you were now. Even with the leaves blocking most of the sunlight, the very few spots that had a small ray of sun would cast shadows onto the fresh sheet of snow from prior. It was even better since not too many people walked here, so the snow was fresh and remained still. You watched as clumps of snow fell from the trees' branches above as the wind began to slightly pick up.

'What did you do?' You pulled out the card, gaining her attention as she glanced over.

"Cards, huh?" she asked, taking the card as she flipped it over

. 'Yes,' you pulled out another one.

You met her gaze before she looked down at the stack of cards that were held together with a small metal ring. You took out the ring and gave her the stack of cards since it seemed to gain her interest. She stopped walking and reached out, her hand grazing over yours as she took them. You watched as she flipped through every card, reading them all before handing them back to you.

"I had business to take care of," she said, answering your prior question before walking faster along the path.

"Oh!" The sound of Ringo falling behind you guys caused you both to stop.

You looked back and began to take a step towards him before Mizu grabbed your arm and began to run to the sides and off the path before making sure it was okay before letting go.

"Sorry for grabbing your arm," she apologized. You quickly got out your cards.

'No,' 'it's okay,' 'thank you,' 'Mizu.' She smiled as you held up each card to form a sentence, but this was broken as soon as you backed up and bumped into Ringo, causing your cards to fall. Mizu quickly caught all the cards before they landed in the snow.

"You move quietly for someone so large," she said, keeping her gaze fixed on Ringo as she handed you your cards.

"I'm naturally stealthy," Mizu brushed off his comment and took your hand as she dragged you away from Ringo. You felt your cheeks burn up a bit even in the cold weather once you felt Mizu take your hand in hers.

"Maybe not naturally. My father would beat me if I ever made noise in the noodle shop. I learned to be quiet like a ninja," he said, making movements with his arms.

You smiled at his actions and with your free hand began to look for a card. It was a handmade one you made since you knew Ringo was going to be tagging along with the two of you.

'That's really cool, Ringo,' you showed him your card, making him smile.

"Thank you, Y/N. I think my skills have been improving a lot, especially if you guys let me tag along."

"I don't want you anywhere near us," Mizu said, walking right past him. "Stay away."

"Stay away, Ringo," he corrected him, only for Mizu to brush it off with an 'I don't care' as he took out an bangasa (sorry if this isn't the correct name for the object used in this scene, please correct me if I'm wrong!).

"I'm useful, see?" he held the umbrella above Mizu's head as he went on about white people's skin being burned off in the sun, referring to Mizu. He put his umbrella away before returning to another subject about Mizu's eyes and if it's true that they can see in the dark. That question really sparked your interest. Can blue eyes like Mizu's see in the dark? You decided to hold onto that question and ask later once she's in a better mood, considering that she kept ignoring his many questions.

The questions kept piling on each other, which made Mizu draw her sword, releasing your hand and cutting a tree that stood between Mizu and Ringo.

"If I see you again, I will kill you and never think of you again," she said, sheathing her sword before taking your hand again.

The two of you walked in silence before she took notice that she still was holding onto your hand. Quickly, she released and apologized again. You only smiled this time, but deep inside, you wanted her to keep holding your hand. You walked behind her, following her steps as she made her way to yet another checkpoint. From where they were, you began to take out your travel pass. Your heart dropped as you stopped and began to search for your travel pass through all your belongings. Mizu looked back to see you panicking while taking everything out and searching through all your things.

"Is something wrong?" she asked, walking towards you.

You looked up to her to see her standing there looking down at you. You had to pause for a moment before focusing back. 'Travel pass,' 'Ringo,' you put out the cards.

She scoffed, thinking it was a joke at first but slightly frowned after a second. You reached for an 'I'm sorry' card before she stopped you.

"It's not your fault, Y/N," she said as she watched you pull back from the card.

Luckily, Ringo was right behind you two and came by before you two had to find a new plan. He gave you back your travel pass before showing the guard the other passes to let in Mizu. You sighed in relief as you were able to pass the checkpoint this time, and you were also thankful for Ringo to show up again. 'Thank you,' 'Ringo.'

"No problem, Y/N! See, useful," he told the last part to Mizu as they headed in.

While all of Mizu's attempts to lose Ringo were in vain as he kept appearing.

"You will not find what you seek at my side. I am owed my revenge, and I will have it at any cost," she said with a cold demeanor.

"Huh! I love revenge," Ringo and Mizu went back and forth before Mizu left with a sigh. Both you and Ringo took this as a yes.

"I'm an apprentice!" he exclaimed as you went in for a high five but stopped before looking at him. But he simply returned the high five. The two of you smiled as you began to walk with Ringo and followed right behind Mizu.

"I need a boat."

"Ooh! A revenge boat," Ringo said as you nodded along.

As the three of you went on a rather dangerous path, Ringo continued telling stories. With Ringo asking numerous questions, you finally found out the reason for Mizu's revenge: killing the white man. Once making it off from the cliff and to what seemed like a deserted town, you walked faster, keeping close to the two. You kept watch for anyone, but it seems that the town was farther down. Following the drunk man as he suddenly appeared and ran to what was the people's town, you stopped yourself from bumping into them, as your attention was on what everyone in the town was doing. Ringo seemed to also be intrigued with what was happening everywhere, which Mizu took notice of quickly.

"We're not here for fun, we're here for a boat," she said, taking both of your attentions off from the attractions and back to Mizu's main goal.

But it seemed as if no one was going to be leaving until tomorrow. Everything was stopped for the Hadaka Matsuri, which seemed to be in the way of Mizu's revenge. The two men at the boat began telling what was going to be happening today. It seemed fun, and you thought about cleaning your soul, which seemed like a good idea for you.

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