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The sound of the snow being crushed beneath their feet echoed in the silent forest, everything was still, only the faint sounds of the snow falling off the leaves and onto the soft blanket of snow underneath, broke the silence. The locals who lived near the forest kept speaking of a group of warriors who were very protective over their land, this caused alarms to go off in your head. you knew how protective some warriors could get over their land and you didn't want to be stuck in that kind of situation. You knew that the three of them were good fighters and you tried not to think about it too much before it caused you a headache.

As the four of them progressed deeper into the forest the more you started to become more on edge about everything, the sound of a small branch being broken off a tree would make you flinch thinking it was the group of warriors coming to get you.

"Are you alright y/n?" Mizu's tone was calmer and she sounded worried, noticing how you kept on jumping at the slightest of noise

You nodded with a smile, but just the sound of her speaking made you flinch

"You don't have to worry Y/n! Mizu's strong enough to fight off anyone who hurts you" Ringo jumped in shooting you and Mizu a grin, he must have been the only one who was also listening in when the locals were babbling on about those said warriors and had noticed how you were reacting

"I'm stronger" Taigen butted into the conversation

"I could easily kill you" Mizus calm tone was quickly gone as you could hear the annoyance in her voice

"Then let's have our duel right here" Taigen reached for his sword but was quickly taken off his feet, Mizu moved fast that you didn't even know what just happened until a couple seconds later, looking down to Taigen who was laying in the snow on his back

You held out your hand for him to take, he weakly thanked you as you helped him up from the snow and he took his wig from the ground, drying it off and placing it back onto his head. He remained quiet for the rest of the time not making a single sound. As the sun was beginning to set and the cold air was beginning to drift in, you felt your hands beginning to freeze. Although you had knitted everyone a pair of gloves you had forgotten to make yourself a pair. You began to rub your hands together back and forth as you blew into them to try and keep them warmer.

Mizu stopped walking, sliding off her gloves and handed them over."Here y/n take these" her voice was soft as she smiled. You waved your hands, declining her offer as you returned her the smile. She didn't take that for an answer and took your hands and slid the gloves onto your hands before walking away as she left you standing there.

You quickly ran up to them as you didn't want to be left behind, as time went on you were slowly forgetting about the warriors and more on finding a place for the night. Ringo was passing around some warm food to keep everyone from starving as the sun was now set and the moon was the only source of light. You were keeping an eye out for anything that could be tonight's shelter, it was hard to see in the dark but you could have sworn that you saw some kind of marking in the tree trunk, too scared to look back you just brushed it off and kept walking with the group.

Just as you were about to completely forget about the warriors the sound of heavy footsteps in the snow caused everyone to stop. It was late at night in the middle of the forest with no civilization for miles, you couldn't think of anyone else except for some kind of protective warriors to be out this late. You were thinking of brushing it off again but you thought back to the weird carvings in the tree trunk and now to this.

'The warriors' your handwriting was sloppy for how fast you were writing it

"They're not real Y/n they were just trying to scare you" Taigen said, he was going to say something but he stopped after you all heard the sound of a tree falling down. it's not uncommon for a dead tree to suddenly fall down but with the events of what just happened it was no doubt the warriors they were trying to warn you about.

"Mute" Mizu X F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now