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The day grew long as they continued their journey, leaving the village to head back into the countryside with nothing but land covered in a white sheet of snow. The sky was tinted a warm orange color as the dark clouds came in from the south, carrying even more snow for the night.

"Here, Y/n, you need to make sure you're hydrated," Ringo smiled as he handed you the water container.

You smiled back, releasing your grip from Mizu's hand as you drank the water. Without having Ringo on this trip, you probably would've been dead by now if he wasn't helping you keep yourself healthy. Your priority was to help everyone else before you did, and that caused you to have a decline in your own health, but with Ringo here, he always made sure you were getting a good meal every day.

'What are we doing?' you handed Mizu the paper.

She looked back at you confused. "What do you mean?"

'Are we just going to walk around the whole time, or is there some place we're going to in particular?'

She thought for a moment, "I suppose not, exploring the country mainly." Taigen brought himself into the conversation, "First, we're getting my duel." Mizu scoffed as Ringo joined in, also, "Also trying all the soba in every village." You laughed at Ringo's words.

For miles ahead, there was just empty fields of dead crops that haven't survived the harsh winter this year. Occasionally, there would be some horses roaming around; it seemed as if they were the only other living things around for miles. The scenery didn't change much since all you saw was the flat grounds and maybe a few dead trees piled with snow. It was a sight to see, though you saw it mostly every winter; it was still relaxing to see every year.

As you walked behind Taigen , you couldn't help yourself from occasionally reaching up to want to touch his bald spot. Mizu would always stop you before you could touch home base. She kept a smile as you would always reach back up and hover just a couple of centimeters above before she would grab your hand.

This time you weren't going to be stopped. With no entertainment, you had to make your own. Reaching down, you scooped some snow and formed it into a ball and threw it right at his head before Mizu could even stop you. You watched in awe as the snow just rolled right off the bald spot; it looked like some kind of magic as it didn't even stay put. You walked off to the side quickly, hiding behind Ringo.

"Hey!" Taigen yelled, rubbing his head as he turned around to see Mizu at a closer distance than the rest.

"It wasn't me," she said, frowning.

"Who else?!" he argued, taking snow off the ground before also forming a ball. The snowball didn't even reach Mizu since she somehow was able to cut it in half with her sword.

"Show off," Taigen mumbled, still rubbing his little spot as you snickered from behind Ringo and made your way back to Mizu.

She looked at you before seeing how hard you tried to hold in your laugh, holding your nose shut, trying to keep any sound from escaping you. She kept a smile on her face as she watched you finally calm yourself down after a while.

The dark clouds from before were now blocking the sun from cascading any light down below; the wind also started to pick up, which wasn't ideal for anyone since the new snow would usually start to blow with the wind.

"We should stop for the night," Taigen said, stopping in front of everyone. "There, we can stay there for the night." He pointed to a small shack near the woods on the outskirts of all the land. You squinted your eyes to get a better look at where he was pointing; it seemed to be a bit small to fit four people in, but you didn't have any room to complain since your body was begging for you to take a rest.

"Mute" Mizu X F!ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang