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Having found a small hut just near the next checkpoint, the three of them walked over through the snow covered field over to the hut. There must have been a fire inside since light was visible through the cracks in the worn out wood. Ringo knocked on the door, thinking there must have been someone inside.

"Just open the door, no ones there," Taigen remarked, he was getting irritated from having to wait longer out in the cold

Just as he said that, the door creaked open, an older man popped up from behind the door.

"Sir, if you don't mind, could we stay here until the morning?" Ringo was the first to speak as he flashed the old man a smile

He grunted in response leaving the door open, they didn't really know if he meant a yes or no, but him leaving the door open seemed as his way of letting them stay. Inside it was more spacious than it had looked, there was a fire, which had a bundle of wood stacked behind, keeping the inside warm and a small kitchen with what seemed like a spacious room just right next to it.

The man looked at them with his hands behind his back as they all stood crowding the area.

"She can sleep there," he was pointing to the only futon that was laid out " and the rest of you there" he then pointing to the empty spaces next to it

"Wait she gets the-" Taigen began to speak but Ringo quickly shut his mouth as he didn't want to be kicked out from their only shelter. Mizu set you down onto the futon before joining everyone else at the fire.

"You guys are strong, no?" the man asked looking at them

They nodded all together, he hummed in response before getting up and walked over to the front door.

"If you don't mind, I need help bringing in more firewood" he grabbed his walking stick that was propped up on the wall and opened the door, letting in the cold breeze.

"Don't worry sir! Were happy to help" Ringo basically jumped up to go help him out the door as the two of them followed behind, before Mizu left the room she took one last glance at you, to see you sleeping restfully before closing the door.

Outside the wind was blowing in more cold air and snow, making it harder to see where they were even going. He led them to the back and into a small part of the forest where they saw the logs of wood on top of the snow. They all brought it back to the front of the hut as the man watched from afar.

"There's still more farther down" he said as they had just finished brining in all the wood.

Taigen was ticked off, but he kept his composure and followed the rest of them. Mizu was the first to feel as if something strange was going on, she took notice of how the man had enough wood in his hut to keep the fire alive for another three days, it seemed off for him to make them go out to the woods this late considering how dark and cold it was. Not to mention how the wood was on top of the snow and wasn't touched by the snow at all.

"I'm going back to Y/n" she whispered to the two of them. She didn't trust the man, even if he was some old grandpa, she didn't want to leave you alone in the hut.

But as if he had some kind of super hearing, he turned around to stop Mizu.

"I wouldn't worry about her '' as these words left his mouth, she definitely knew there had to be something off about him. Mizu ignored what he said and began walking back.

You woke up just a couple minutes after they had all left. Your first response to being in some place was to start freaking out since no one else was there, however, you spotted Mizus hat left behind and Taigens small hairpiece lying on the floor. Letting out a sigh of relief, you got up to stretch your limbs. Walking around your curiosity got the best of you, it was pretty spacious but inside it was empty as there wasn't much furnishing. You left the bedroom alone, and looked around the kitchen, it was empty. The only thing that was stocked up was the fire wood which seemed to be untouched. Since there wasn't much to look at or do, you went back to the futon to sit down. A piece of paper was stuck under a small log of wood which quickly got your attention. You lifted up the wood on top and pulled out the paper from underneath. It was crumpled up but still easy to read, you carefully unfolded the paper. Your blood ran cold as your eyes scanned the paper. Suddenly a loud knocking sound came from the door.

'Mizu' was your only thought as you rushed over to open the door thinking of how you had to tell her that the man knew about you and had the paper with your information on it. As the door opened you got ready to tell her only to be met with a taller man, he quickly threw a sheet over your head and knocked you right out.

Mizu ran over to the hut, she loudly knocked on the door, no response. She didn't bother knocking again and pushed the door open as her eyes quickly went over to the empty futon. Her heart was racing as the panic set in. She barged into the bedroom only to see it was an empty room, as she made her way back to the main room she saw a paper on the floor near the door. She picked it off from the floor and read it, her heart sank.

The two of them were waiting with the old man not knowing what to do. But Mizu returned back with the paper now crumpled in her hand as she pushed past the two.

"Is everything alright-" Ringo took notice to how angry Mizu looked but was only ignored as she charged right at the old man

She was able to pin him down before the two of them had to hold her back as their faces were filled with pure horror.

"Mizu what are you doing?!" Taigen said gripping her wrist as she was still on top of the man

"They took y/n '' she said rubbing her wrist, they quickly let go of her and stepped back as the man screamed in pain as his arms were cut off in one swift movement, she wiped the blood off from her face, throwing the paper to Ringo.

You were harshly thrown into the back of a wagon, you felt pain all over as you made contact with the wood. Strong hands were holding you down, unable to move you were left laying there in pain. It was bumpy the whole time, not a word was ever spoken the whole way there. You wanted to cry, but you knew they would probably hit you if you breathed too loud.

The wagon went to a halt, you knew what was going to happen, the man was alive since he had set out all these papers for you to return and he wasn't going to hold back on punishing you. Seeing as he had somehow made you his wife in the process of only a couple hours. You didn't even know his name, age or what he wanted from you. Out of all the women there was, he went out of his way to do all these things just for you.

You were lifted off from the wagon, still with the sheet covering your vision, you tripped over your feet many times as it seemed you were being taken up a long flight of stairs. The stairway was slippery, and to make it worse your feet were still hurting and with you constantly bumping your feet into the hard concrete stairs, it wasn't making it any better. The sound of talking could be heard from behind the large wooden doors. It was the man yelling, you had remembered how his voice sounded. You wanted to die on the spot, nothing was worse than having to go back to that man. The thought of you just falling down all these stairs seemed better than having to be met with that man's face again.

"There's my wife!" his voice boomed through the room as the door opened wide.

"You shouldn't have run off like that" he laughed as the sheet was removed and you were once met with him. "You made me worry" a smile crept onto his face

You didn't look at him, only keeping your gaze on the floor. He didn't seem to like that, he walked over and grabbed your face, making you look right at his eyes. His grip was hard as he was digging his nails right into you. It was then you took notice of how he was missing his other arm and his face was all cut up. Unfortunately he had survived that day making it out alive without an arm.

"Looks like your little friends couldn't keep you safe" he harshly let go and walked away to look out the window

"Keep her locked up, I don't feel like looking at her '' you were quickly moved away, it was better being locked up than being around that man. "and keep her healthy, I don't want the woman bearing my children ill"


"Mute" Mizu X F!ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ