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Mizu gently set you down on the futon before leaving you there to find Taigen and Ringo. They weren't hard to find in the crowd, and she spotted them sitting outside the brothel's steps.

"Are you done with your 'business'?" Taigen got up from the steps ready to leave. "Where's Y/n?" he raised an eyebrow, looking behind Mizu.

"She's inside, drunk," pausing for a moment, "I need your help."

"No way," Taigen said, "there's no way you think that I'm going to just follow you into the brothel," crossing his arms.

"I didn't need your help, Taigen," she looked over to Ringo, "Ringo, I need your help."

Ringo nodded quickly, following her inside, leaving Taigen out in the cold. She led him to the room in which you were staying, sliding the door open. The two of them found you still sleeping soundly, and there was a lingering smell of sake in the room as the fumes emitted from you.

"How much did she have?" Ringo asked, setting down his things in the corner of the room.

"No idea."

"I think I have a remedy to help her become sober." Ringo rummaged in his bag, pulling out a strange bottle with a dark purple liquid inside. He went over to you and rested your head onto his arm, lifting your head up and putting the bottle to your lips as you drank whatever liquid was inside. He put down your head and went back to leave you to sleep.

"I'll have to make her another batch; it seems she might already be blacked out," he looked at you then back to Mizu. "I'll go fetch the ingredients really quickly, and I'll be back to help." Ringo left the room in search of whatever it was he needed. That left Mizu alone with you; she looked around as the room was dimly lit with a small lantern, and the few pots served as some fancy decorations.

Her eyes kept darting back over to you, watching how your chest would slowly rise and fall and how sometimes your hand would occasionally twitch. That was her way of telling if you were still alive and hadn't died from whatever Ringo had given you.

Mizu sat on one side of the room, silently sipping tea as she awaited Ringo's return and for you to wake up. And you did. Your eyes were foggy, and your head was pounding just like it was a couple of days ago, except this felt worse. The amount of sake you consumed in such a short amount of time was a new record. You must have downed at least four bottles in that time. But whatever Ringo gave you seemed to have spared you up quicker than before.

Mizu didn't notice as you were nursing a headache from the excessive sake, trying to collect your thoughts while seated across the room from her. You took a quick glance at where you were and saw Mizu sitting there, her eyes fixed on the tea that was in front of her with an unreadable expression on her face.

Once she didn't look up to see you staring right at her, she put down her tea, clearing her throat. Neither of you wanted to say anything; Mizu's jaw tightened as the tension in the room rose. You wiped your eyes only to feel the kiss marks left all over your face. You froze before stumbling over to the mirror in the corner to be met with your reflection. Your face dropped, turning your head to the side, you counted even more. As you were trying to wipe off the lipstick, you saw for a second Mizu looking at you with a slight frown. Quickly turning around only for her to look away as you went back to try and wipe your face.

Walking back over to the futon, you kept looking at Mizu, but every time she was always keeping her head on the floor. You sat down to face her; she took notice and finally lifted her head to look at you. The two of you locked eyes for a couple of seconds before you looked away first.

'Can you come here?' you scribbled down, sliding her the paper. She was hesitant at first but soon got up and sat in front of you.

Clearing your voice, "I thought you left," you finally spoke, breaking the silence.

Mizu hesitated, "I stayed to make sure you were okay."

You lifted your head up, looking at her; you didn't really think she'd be the type to do this after all that's happened between the two of you.

"Why?" you asked, genuine curiosity in your tone.

Mizu sighed, her shoulders relaxing ever so slightly. "You're - my friend, and leaving you alone in that state didn't feel right."

You couldn't help but feel touched by her words as a small, appreciative smile tugged at the corners of your lips. The room stayed quiet, except for the occasional sounds of laughter coming from outside. You fidgeted with the paper as the tension only rose.

You wanted to forget about your feelings for Mizu, but it was nearly impossible. Just sitting in front of her made the butterflies in your stomach act up, your hands were sweating, and you kept wiping them on your clothes.

"Can we put everything behind us? Everything's just becoming more awkward than it should be," you said.

"Yeah," she smiled slightly. "Look, Y/n, I never wanted to hurt you with what I said."

"No, it's fine; I can't hold it against you," you took in a deep breath. "Did I do anything embarrassing out there?" you asked as you weren't able to recall anything from what happened just a while ago.

"You had basically every worker giving you an ungodly amount of attention if that's what you're asking," she chuckled as your face began to heat up slightly.

The room fell silent again, but the tension was gone now, and everything was more calm - calm enough to regret the actions you were going to do.

"I'm sorry," you said again.

"I already said it's fine; you were drunk-" you cut her off as your lips landed onto hers.

Ringo stood in the doorway frozen witnessing what was happening in front of his eyes.

"Mute" Mizu X F!ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu