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G E N E R A L  P O V

"So what does that mean?" Mingyu asked.

The twins and their older brother were on a conference call, he had wanted to tell them about the new development in his and Jungkook's relationship. He didn't want them finding out through the tabloids.

So far, the twins were taking it so well.

"We can carry on like a normal couple," Taehyung clarified. "Whatever that means." He added, confused.

This whole situation was just confusing to him. What was the chairman planning? And what did it have to do with Taehyung and Jungkook?

Judging by that smirk, it looked like he had a trick up his sleeve.

"That sound good," Yugyeom hesitantly mentioned. "No?" He asked.

Taehyung whined as he threw himself on the bed. They were talking through video chat on his laptop, so they saw him plop on the bed.

"It just doesn't feel right you know?" He pondered. "I feel like this was all too easy. Like there's an ulterior motive, and Kookie thought so too." He voiced out.

He maneuvered himself around so that he was facing the twins while laying on his side.

Jungkook was out doing final additions to his music or something like that. Taehyung's mind was foggy when Jungkook explained where he was going. He absentmindedly agreed and that was that.

"Anyway," He exasperatedly added. "I wanted to tell you guys so that you don't just see it on the tabloids."

The twins just smiled at the older. 

"What?" He asked sitting up quickly. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You're glowing," Yugyeom explained with a goofy grin, causing Taehyung to duck his head into the bed. He was blushing.

"I've never seen you this happy," Mingyu added. "Even with..." He trailed off, but the was no malicious intent in him mentioning the one that should not be named.

He was just happy for his brother and the fact that it looks like he found his forever.

He teared up, "I'm happy that punk is treating you well."

Taehyung's head shot up. "Hey! Don't call my man a punk!" He pouted.

And just as he finished, the door to the bedroom opened, and in came Jungkook who looked absolutely exhausted. 

"Baby I am absolutely spent!" Jungkook whined as he threw himself on the bed, crawling towards Taehyung, he buried his head on Taehyung's tummy. "Can we move our date to this evening instead?"

"Yah!" Yugyeom shouted as he pushed his face into the laptop screen. "Get away from my Hyung you sweaty pig!" He shouted.

Jungkook opened one eye and turned towards the laptop, as his back was to the laptop.

"Oh!" He dragged. "You're on a call with the two musketeers? Well, hello there," He teased as he smirked, nuzzling into Taehyung more. 

"What have you and the LOVE OF MY LIFE!" He emphasized on the last few words, "been talking about?" He smiled smugly, causing Taehyung to giggle and lightly slap the idol's back. Who just laughed.

"Hi Gyu, Gyeom," He greeted. "I take it Tae told you guys about our talk with Bang PDnim?"

The speed in which twins' eyes snapped to their older brother guaranteed them falling off. It was a mystery how they were still attached to their faces.

"You talked to Shihyuk Samchon?!" The twins exclaimed.


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