G E N E R A L  P O V

"Jungkook you should really take a break," Jimin said as soon as he entered the studio, after he turned off the music. Making the younger groan at his hyung and drop o the floor breathing heavily.

Jungkook turned to be a workaholic, especially when they had a come back. They all practiced excessively but Jungkook took another level by practicing more hours than intended and spending more time in the recording studio.

"I'm not done yet hyung." Jungkook wheezed. "We have comeback in three days and everything has to be perfect for ARMY." Jimin rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Do you think everything will be perfect when you pass out on stage from fatigue?" The older raised an eyebrow. "Or if you pull a muscle and can't even perform!" Jimin shouted as he threw his hands up in the air and rolled his eyes.

He was sick of the Younger's antics of throwing himself to his work every time he was bothered by anything at all. Even though it was miniscule. Sometimes he wasn't even bothered by anything, he was just doing it out of habit and that is an unhealthy habit.

"Go home and rest Jungkook." He said and stretched out a paper bag bag in hand. "Here, I got you your usual from that fancy shmancy café a block away." 

Jungkook perked up at this and quickly took the bag and the drink before immediately taking a sip from it before recoiling quickly. 

"Thanks Jiminie," He said. The drink was made with regular milk instead of almond but he didn't mention that, he didn't want to sound ungrateful so he just took his stuff and went to the showers connected to the studio, to take one.

It was already nine o'clock at night, so he knew The Magic Bean had just closed, there was no going there now. He sighed and decided he'll just take a shower at the dorms, and he left and drove himself to the dorms. He arrived no later than ten minutes after leaving the company. He found some of his members scattered around the ground floor but he just grunted his greetings before going upstairs to him room.

He dropped his bags on the floor, along with his car keys and phone, then he placed his food on the side table before plopping himself on the bed, groaning from his screaming muscles. He whined slightly as he pulled himself from the bed as he stripped down and went to the shower. 

He switched on to let it heat up the hot water and walking towards the basin as he began brushing his teeth. He figured he would take longer in the shower so he wouldn't have remnants of toothpaste in his mouth by the time he ate his order. Even though the drink was already finished during his drive home.

After he was done brushing his teeth he hopped into the shower. At first he just stood there under the hot water, letting the hot powerful jets hit his sore body. His muscles were softly healing and he sighed at that. Moaning at the pain relief, before he picked up the loofah and began scrubbing his body.

45 minutes later and he was done with his entire night routine and he got into bed.

 He took out his laptop and began a skype call to his sister who was currently in Rome filming a three-season show.

He was really proud of his siblings. Everyone made a name for themselves without any help from anyone. Not even their parents who were smart enough not to advertise their babies to the entire world the minute they were born.

That was partly because the father was constantly busy in his company and the mother was busy trying to hide her resent for them. It was a very dysfunctional home but they had each other. That is all that mattered.

"Hello kook," His sister groaned. It was only four AM where she was so the younger might have woken her up. "I'm sorry did I wake you up?" He asked. Her sister smiled and shook her head. "Not necessarily, I was just watching shorts on YouTube so," She trailed off.

The Idol's Muse {On Hold}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt