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G E N E R A L  P O V

As soon as everyone recovered from the bombshell the couple had dropped they continued with breakfast as if everything was normal. The couple had looked at each other spooked by the other's reaction.

"Y-you're okay with it?" Mingyu asked and Wonwoo nodded. They all nodded and Taehyung swallowed what was in his mouth before he answered, "I think we all knew there was something going on between you two. I mean I didn't know the face but I somewhat knew and Yugie confirmed it when I asked."

He continued after taking a sip of his hot cocoa, "I'm just surprised you were courageous enough to announce it during Christmas, and during breakfast at that." The blonde shrugged, making everyone nod.

"Even you two hyungs?" Mingyu turned to Wooshik and Baekhyun who smiled and nodded. "Bear doesn't know how to shut up, so he had already spilled the beans," Wooshik teased, wiggling his eyebrows at the eldest Kim sibling  whose jaw slacked in surprise.

"I do!" He shouted. "Yes bear, You do know how to spill your guts," Baekhyun teased from his seat next to Taehyung, earning himself an elbow in the ribs. Everyone around the table laughed and Taehyung smiled.

"Congratulations to you two, and Welcome to the family Wonwoo," Taehyung said.

Yugyeom poked Jungkook and whispered, "Your turn."

Present time

It was now mid January, and everyone went back to their normal schedule. Working, working and working.

Taehyung was seating in his usual seat when he heard, "Thank you from the camera strap." He looked up and saw Jungkook. He smiled slightly at the younger and nodded, before going back to his book.

Jungkook sighed and was about to seat opposite the older when he heard Jimin call him. A tell-tale that they had to leave. He had wasted so much time preparing himself to approach the blonde that he didn't even get the chance to say half the things he wanted to say.

They hadn't spoken ever since that night with Yoongi at the café. During the holidays, Taehyung actively avoided the younger. And the fact that there was a lot of people in the house aided him in that.

The fact that Jungkook was also busy with his soon to be released album made it hard for him to visit the café. And when he did, he didn't have a pair to approach the older. He had so much to ask and he didn't know where to start. Nor whether he was allowed to ask them.

He sighed and walked away from the blonde and towards Jimin who was frowning. Jungkook turned to look at the blonde but found him gone from where he was sitting. He groaned in frustration before marching out of the shop and into the dark abyss that is the parking lot.

It was still winter, so the sun set earlier.

Taehyung was well aware that what he was doing was unfair and childish, but he just couldn't face the younger without replaying that evening. He knew the younger had a lot of questions, but he was not yet ready to answer them.

He had worked so hard to forget Yoongi and he didn't want to go back there. He couldn't. And that is also the reason why he hadn't told the twins about the meeting with the rapper. He knew Mingyu might storm into Hybe and order Yoongi to stay the hell away from his brother.

He didn't want to cause a scene, nor did he want to find out the younger's reaction when he told him what had transpired between him and BTS' eldest rapper. He'll reach out when he was ready to talk, but for now, he is not quite ready.

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