G E N E R A L  P O V

Jungkook's breath got caught in his throat and Taehyung giggled silently before patting his chest, "Don't worry, it was a long time ago."

"Anyway," He sighed. "I tried calling, texting, emailing. Everything, but failed, and when I did," He trailed off.

"When I did, I'd get cryptic and short responses like 'Taehyung I'm busy, I'll call you later' , he had never, not even when he was angry, called me Taehyung. And tht is how i had known that someting was wrong.

"God, I wish I had noticed the signals earlier." He chuckled humourlessly. He has been doing that a lot during the past few minutes. But if he doesn't laugh, he'll cry.

"One day, I called him and he instantly responded, I was so excited, but it was short lived as he responded with, 'Taehyung for fucks sake could you stop pestering me! You keep on nagging me like an incessant boyfriend, to which, might I add, you are not. I show you a tiny bit of love and attention and you grow to be a clingy annoying girlfriend. Which, once again, you are definitely not. Give me a break, Leave me alone'."

Jungkook was gobsmacked. His jaw was basically hanging off his face. Practically dragging on his lap. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"I remember each and every word as if it was said yesterday. I remember freezing at his words. I was so excited that in my excitement, I had put the phone on speaker unintentionally and the twins heard everything. Mingyu was Livid."

'Rightfully so,' rang in Jungkook's he could not decipher how the man he grew to admire and respect could say such a thing. He felt as if all that he knew about the man was false.

He had grown to know the man as compassionate, understanding, patient - especially after dealing with Jimin and Jungkook's shenanigans - empathetic, just all around a calm and collected guy.

Did he learn from losing Taehyung? Was he pretending? And waiting for the band to just get on his nerves?

"No Ggukie. My experiences with the man should not taint how you view him. One could argue that you know him longer than I do, and have known him during the stages where one develops and keeps their preferred personality. Don't let my past with him affect your future with him."

Jungkook felt himself tear up. How can a person be this pure?

He softly held the older's chin and lifted his face till he was facing him. He looked at his eyes, asking for permission, and the older smiled sheepishly and nodded slightly. 

Jungkook smiled gratefully and pecked his boyfriend softly.



Three times.

And he tilted his head to the side before he engulfed the older's lips with his own. Biting the lower lip softly, earning a soft whimper. He softly patted the older's thigh and Taehyung slightly opened his mouth, allowing the idol's tongue to invade his mouth.

Taehyung moaned sensually, causing Jungkook to groan, and in a blink of an eye, he manhandled the older onto his lap. His hands landing on his soft plush behind, while Taehyung's arms wrapped around the idol's neck.

Taehyung relished on the feeling of Jungkook's tongue against his own. The lingering taste of whiskey making him lightheaded with pleasure. 

The kiss was disturbed by Jungkook's phone ringing. He groaned out of frustration, kicking his feet, throwing a tantrum, causing Taehyung to let out a breahy giggle.

"Someone better be dying," Jungkook said as he answered his phone.

"Yes, me and Hoseok down at the lobby!" A voice shouted back, resulting in wide eyes from the new couple. Jungkook sat up so quick, he almost dropped his boyfriend who yelped audibly, clutching the idol's shoulder as he pulled to balance himself.

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