Chapter 4 - The Four Winds Converge

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As if reading Sorah's mind, Yanluo's weathered hand gently squeezed the fallen master's shoulder in reassurance. "Worry not, Sorah. You must believe others heard your butterfly's cries and even now rally to our blessed Hamlet. Focus on preserving your strength old friend!"

Without waiting for a pained reply, the Stormweaver swept his crackling staff in a wide flourish while bellowing "Storm-sense Mimicry Squall!" Bolts of sizzling electricity began arcing wildly between Yanluo's outstretched fingers faster than eyes could track. Having dedicated years unravelling the mysteries of Lightning Release and Redirection from hidden Storm Scriptures, Yanluo could warp violent tempests to his will with graceful poise that awed the Cloud Hamlet children who gawked behind their shelter even as fiery ruin engulfed their entire village.

Within seconds, dozens of self-orbiting lightning spheres materialized around Elder Yanluo, perpetually absorbing and redirecting tremendous amounts of energy. Their cyclonic rotation reached critical velocity until finally releasing everything towards Dravenik's dual mech suits in a single concentrated discharge!


"Huh! Devastating." Sorah shielded his face as the world exploded lighter than midday.

Colonel Dravenik's howls promised agonizing retribution over the fried circuits and molten armour plating raining down. But Yanluo had already twirled his staff again with fluid finesse, redirecting excess voltage streamers through hand gestures alone until arcs bent sideways unnaturally... then curved backwards 180 degrees into his own staff crystal to recharge for the next onslaught!

Even Master Sorah secretly marvelled at this surreal feat bordering on time manipulation. Yanluo often boasted his Rakshasa Thunder Palace technique could devastate entire garrisons before a single soldier reached melee range. Today's demonstration supported those legends as the formation launched continuous lightning strikes to harass approaching Sand Devils and their Cinder Hound mounts.

Colonel Dravenik barely restrained his fury. "You shall pay dearly for dishonouring Lord Viz Durak's mechanized warriors, Yanluo! I swear upon the smouldering Carrion Pits holding your ancestors that oblivion awaits! Sand Basilisks... bury these insects!!"

The Sand Colonel waved his crackling Vad'aaki Blades and the Red Sand Titan leaned forward expelling an ear-splitting hiss towards Yanluo and Sorah. Four rotating clusters resembling fused reptilian eggs launched simultaneously from indentations along the Titan's spine plates. Sorah's decades of experience instantly recognized this living artillery rarely witnessed outside Dune Empire precipitation rites. Sand Basilisk projectiles rapidly hardened into stone mid-flight while targeting foes, utilizing the same mineral compounds that birthed their Terravolt Kingdom allies lumbering nearby. Being crushed under a landslide of petrifying serpents ranked among the most excruciating deaths on sand-swept battlegrounds.

Yet the sadistic attack met only thunderous defiance from the brash lightning Elementalist, Yanluo. "You disgrace true warriors clinging desperately to Titan privileges like frightened ostrich-horses! Now witness powers residing only within the supreme storm monastery disciples capable of commanding the heavens themselves!!"

Elder Yanluo anchored himself firmly while manipulating the Lightning Staff into circular motions reminiscent of the Floating Leaf's cultural fan dances. Each twirl and spin created intricate energetic boundaries that overloaded upon contact with the encroaching Sand Basilisks. Blinding explosions detonated in midair safely away from civilians, assaulting enemies with bone-rattling force.

Undeterred, Colonel Dravenik continued chanting loudly with his palms directing the rolling bombardment. "Overwhelm them! Render Yanluo's cursed lightning barriers to dust!!" The Red Sand Titan swept its swirling forelimbs in unison, condensing ambient silicates into new artillery boulders without pause. Hundreds of hissing meteor-like spheres soon blotted the skies seeking to penetrate the defensive perimeter.

Yanluo forged on undaunted, his glimmering staff was conducting the relentless lightning streams until it achieved a resonating harmony against the bombardment perfectly attuned to their offence rhythm. Where Dravenik's soldiers perceived only random devastation, the enlightened Illuminati beheld profound poetry manifesting. Power bloomed not through brute force - but finessed brilliance broadcast across hastily prepared energy boundaries!

How long could Yanluo maintain this stellar performance before fatigue swops in, Sorah wondered briefly before agony lanced through his spine from attempted movement. Likely not much longer against the nightmarish horde surrounding them with weapons recharged for another assault attempt.

As if sensing Sorah's doubts magnifying their already unfavourable odds, Yanluo spared his wounded comrade a sideways glance filled with reassurance rather than usual pompousness. The legendary Stormweaver had trained relentlessly for this moment destined by clouds Above when Floating Leaf faced its most desperate hour with countless innocent souls hanging by silken threads. None may claim Yanluo as a friend, but none could deny his peerless dedication in defending their home.

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