Chapter 162 - Side Story 16

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I stiffened my eyebrows and looked at Abella.

"As expected, you were the one who brought me here."

[The God of Art, Mond, clicks his tongue.]

It seems as if she had created such a scenario to gain favor from me, who was in danger due to a slave trader in the Demon Realm.

[The God of Love, Odyssey, complains that if she wants to have you, she must use fair means and register as a candidate through the correct process.]

Abella's silence gave confidence to my words.

After a while, Abella spoke to me with cold eyes.

"Live with me, Sister. I will provide you with delicious food forever... I can do whatever you want. So..."

[The God of Love, Odyssey, stops grumbling and looks clearly at the desserts on the table.]

[The God of Art, Mond, growls.]

Still, that won't do.

I felt the divine power rising from deep within my body and gathered Ciel's power in my hands. Then I bent down, grabbed Abella's lace, and simply cut it. Abella's eyes were seen shaking.

After a moment, I stretched out my hand, and dark blue magic energy came out from my hand.

It was when I was trying to deploy my holy power to protect myself from Magi, which was weaker than Diego's but had a power that couldn't be ignored.

The door burst open and a bundle of intense magic gripped Abella's neck, levitating her into the air.


And I was very happy to see the man coming through the door.

[The God of Benevolence, Oman's lip corners, rise.]

[The God of Justice, Hetuse, smiles brightly and then clears his throat.]

Diego, whose usual slightly sly demeanor had completely disappeared, had a cold, stern expression on his face and was extending his hand towards Abella.

Cero behind him was winking at me.

"Countess of Taste, Witch Abella."

"Ugh... Cough... Cough... Demon King..."

Abella, her face pale, was moaning while hanging onto Diego's Magi.

[The God of Bevelonce, Oman, enjoys alone while imagining the unique love between you and Diego.]


Even though Abella kidnapped me and kept me from going, I still thought that's not something to do to a child of about twelve.

"Diego. Still, she's a child, so I want to resolve this through conversation."

Even though it was stuffy for a few days, I ate so much delicious food that I couldn't resist thanks to that girl, so I thought it was enough to shake it off and go back to the temple.

"Child? Was 600 years old a child in human terms?"

But Diego's next words gave me goosebumps on the back of my neck.

"600... years old, you say? Crazy!"

I mean, did I tell a 600 year-old to call me sister?

But with a happy expression,

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