chapter 101

102 6 1

That evening. I chatted with the priests following Reihausd.

“Since Chief Priest Heinz acted according to his own will, the Priest Council decided to propose a proposal to suspend Chief Priest Heinz.”

“I see.”

However, even if the suspension proposal is proposed, it won’t pass because it doesn’t fill the majority. Heinz already had many priests on his side.

“Still, thank you, everyone. The priests are a great help to me.”

The priests looked at me with wide eyes.

They showed a firm will to believe in me and follow me no matter what, but to be honest, the God of Love, Odyssey’s blessing buff, was helping.

‘No matter how sweet Camilla smiles with her voice and acting skills, it won’t be as good as Odyssey’s blessing.’

“Saintess. We’re unconditionally on the side of the Saintess.”

“I believe in the ability of the Saintess you’ve shown in Ares Mine!”

“Blessings of the Nine Gods to the Saintess!”

“Thank you.”

I got up from my seat listening to their cheers.

After we were done, I returned to my room.



Daisy and Kyuu were waiting for me in front of the door and ran into me.

“Wait. Let’s go in first, then we can talk.”

I pushed them away and entered the room.

“Where have you been?”

“Kyuuuu, kyuuuu!”

Daisy asked as she helped me take off my dress.

“I was indebted to His Highness, the Crown Prince.”

“My goodness. He’s always been there to help! His appearance earlier was really like a prince on a white horse.”

Daisy talked at length about how nice and cool Kyle was.

While I was with Kyle, I told him what could happen if Camilla were to take my saintess position.

I don’t know the details, but I saw a ruinous future through the oracle.

Kyle believed me completely, probably because he had seen what I had been doing.

Now Camilla has been labeled by Kyle as a danger to his political stability. Just like he did towards the Empress

“Are you okay?”

I asked, looking at Daisy with a worried look.

“Yes. Of course. Before entering the prison, I packed a lot of beef jerky under my skirt, so I didn’t starve.”

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