chapter 71

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After a while, a camp was made

The first warp targets were fifty mercenaries from Lloyd’s Merchant and thirty Paladins, and twenty unimportant carriages and workers. Also Cass and two of his men stood inside the warp magic circle.

Except for Cass and the workers, everyone had drawn their swords and had finished preparing.

There was also a magician among the mercenaries who deployed a double defensive magic circle.

Soon after, when the magic circle was activated, bright light emanated from the floor, and everything on top of it disappeared.


Kyuu tilted its head.

I looked at the place where they disappeared with a nervous face.

There was no way to know what the situation was like on the other side.

I heard that it would take less than half a day to reach the mine once they arrived, so this shortcut must be taken.

It was the time when I was looking at the warp magic circle with anxious eyes while fidgeting my nails. The magic circle shone and a man appeared.


Looking at Cass’ neat appearance, I could feel in my gut that the other side was safe.

The faces of the Paladins who were waiting also brightened.

“The other side is safe.”

We let out a sigh of relief. And immediately, the second camp went up into the magic circle.

Thirty Paladins and seven carriages loaded with equipment and all the rest of the workers went up.

The remaining forty Paladins, fifty mercenaries, Cass, and I were scheduled to do the final warp.

After a while, the light came on and after they disappeared, we immediately climbed onto the marble magic circle.

My heart was pounding. Magic circles and warp transportation that I only saw in comics and novels.

The mercenary magician infused a little magic to activate the magic circle.

After a while, light began to emanate from the floor.

Oh, it’s amazing.

And the bodies of the Paladins around me began to become translucent.

By the way…


My body was the same. As if the light were escaping me.

At that moment, I felt an ominous feeling.

What. What is this?!

The light flashed and all the nearby Paladins and luggage disappeared. Yet I was the only one left on the marble magic circle.

I opened my eyes wide.

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