chapter 79

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“The Gods are with Illide!”

“Long live the Saintess!!”

“The Gods protect the lives of warriors!”

Although I was used to being in the spotlight, my mind went blank after receiving this amount of cheers.

Suddenly, Kyle’s eyebrows moved strangely. He drew his sword and threw it into the cave where the gate was.


I thought I could hear a sharp cut through the air, but then I heard something getting pierced.


He threw his sword like a spear into the darkness of the cave where the gate had been. And soon, the sound of a sword loaded with a strong aura piercing something was heard.

A spider monster, which I hadn’t noticed before, was sitting down with its stomach sliced.

It was a very fleeting moment.

The soldiers, who had been silent for a while, roared again.

“Long live the Crown Prince!”

“Long live the Crown Prince! Long live the Saintess!!”

Feeling like a munchkin with the Crown Prince as my assistant, I recalled what had happened earlier.

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Inside the cave, I bit my lower lip.

No matter how I thought about it, there was only one decision I could make. Either die here, or sell my soul to him to get out of the situation and extend my life.

If I were a saintess full of faith, I would have chosen an honorable death without hesitation, but I also don’t want to die here.

And then Diego spoke to me in a calm voice.

“Become a real saintess. That is a condition of the contract.”

At his words, I stared at Diego Vester for a while with a bewildered expression.

…The terms of the contract aren’t my soul? Besides, the condition is to become a real saintess?

“You must have considered yourself a fake saintess until now. You must have thought of leaving your place and living a free life if Camilla, the real saintess, appears.”

Diego’s next words were very shocking.

“How do you know Camilla?”

After a while, his purple eyes shone coolly at my words.

“How can I not know bitch?”

In an instant, the Magi, that was violently swaying in the air, was terrifying enough to make me get goosebumps.

“Diego, you know the original story. No, did they say it was a prophecy?.”

I told him, recalling what Van and Ren had said.

The fear that had filled me faded, and in the meantime, a stuffy mind sprang out. The truth that neither Van, Ren, nor the Gods tell.

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