chapter 138

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I think I had a dream.

A green field was spread out, and two women with green hair were holding each other and rejoicing.

“In your destiny to be reincarnated, there will be no pain like the scorching sun or thorns that make it difficult to walk. My daughter.”

The moment I saw that, for some reason, tears came out and I covered my face with both hands.

“Thanks. Thank you. Ariel.”

Rita’s voice rang in my ears.

As I watched them, I felt seven hands on my back.

Pat, patㅡpat, patㅡpat, pat. I fell into a deep unconscious again with that warm feeling.

When I woke up, my body felt very refreshed.


“Ah, Daisy… How long have I slept?”

“Six hours.”

The sun outside the window was floating in the middle of the sky. There was a loud noise from outside. I furrowed my eyebrows and stretched.

“Come out on the balcony! People are calling the Saintess.”

I rubbed my eyes at Daisy’s words and stood up.

“They are the believers of the God of Lies, Bellatrix.”

The moment I heard Daisy’s words, I stopped in my tracks. It was because it reminded me of how I almost got kidnapped by the believers of Raid.

Bellatrix’s divinity was almost annihilated, and her deity’s nature changed. Perhaps the believers  Bellatrix also have ill feelings toward me.

In an instant, my heart was beating fast. However, thinking that I wouldn’t avoid it, I mustered up the courage and went out on the balcony.

“It’s the Saintess!”


“Oh! Saintess!”

“Blessings of the God of Fate!”

“Blessings of the Eight Gods!”

As she was the weakest god, the number of believers wasn’t large.

But they were all standing in the courtyard of the temple cheering me wildly.

“I heard that a miracle happened in which all the nameplates of the Temple of Lies were changed to the <Temple of Destiny> overnight.”

I heard Daisy’s voice behind me.

“Moreover, all priests with divine powers heard the message from the Gods. I, too… heard it, a little. It’s really the first time something like this has happened.”

Her voice, which seemed to be thrilled, trembled a little.

“About this miracle, the High Priest announced the Saintess’ credit along with what has happened so far. Everyone is praising the Saintess!”

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