CH. 8 Dancing with the Devil 🔪🔪

Start from the beginning

"You call me a liar now, but where were you when I needed you?" I whispered.

"I saw you in the city; you ran from me!" He hissed back.

"It had been months since the... incident." His eyes widened in fury, and I cringed against the door; my hands were shaking badly now. His facial expression melted, and he looked at me with soft eyes.

"You asked me for a place to stay in exchange for servant's work. You were so beautiful... you still are." I scoffed.

"I didn't consent." Tears ran down my cheek as I remembered that night after eating dinner and falling asleep. Waking up with him on top of me... I shuddered, trying to shove those memories away. He cupped my face, and I flinched away, finally escaping his arms. The dagger glinted not far from my reach, and I grabbed it before he could. I pointed it at him, and he gave me a look.

"As if that little dagger is going to beat my sword."

"Let me out now, and I'll pretend this never happened. Keep me in here, and I'll fight to the death." He pursed his lips in the faint light of the room. He gestured with his hand toward the door, and I walked out without another word.

I ran through the halls to get to my room as fast as possible. Nicolas was the only one on my mind right now. I turned a corner and grunted as I ran into a chest; falling to the floor, I reached for the dagger. I winced as I cut myself, grabbing the wrong end of it.

"Aurora!" Kelvin kneeled and grabbed my hand. He took out a handkerchief and began to soak the blood, and I winced and pulled away.

"I already told you; you aren't my babysitter anymore."

"Then why is it that every time I turn my back, you end up crying or bleeding?" was that a ghost of a smirk on his face? I looked away as my cheeks burned. I remember when we were children, and I had followed Kelvin everywhere; in a way, he had been my security blanket as a child.

It was cute as a kid, but now it's weird; he's taken! He gently took my hand back, folded the cloth in my hand, and made me squeeze it. He grabbed the dagger and tucked it away somewhere. His brows furrowed, and he scanned my face with his chocolate-brown eyes.

"Who did that to you?" He touched the part of my neck where Richard had pressed the knife, and I winced. He'd cut me; the adrenaline must have prevented me from feeling the pain initially. My mouth was half open, and I couldn't say what to say.

"I must have accidentally cut myself. It's not bad, is it?" He shook his head, still searching my gaze.

"I'm still wondering why you ran with an unsheathed dagger."

"I don't know what to tell you, Kelvin." I rubbed my eyes; suddenly, I was so tired from it all. I just wanted to hold Nicolas.

"She tried killing herself." I heard Richard's voice behind me, and I stiffened. Kelvin looked shocked, and I wasn't sure what to say. If I ousted Richard, I'd risk him blabbing to everyone that he's the father. If I kept my mouth shut, I'd probably be under some guard; the servants wouldn't leave me alone for months. My abilities as a monarch were already being questioned enough.

Damn you, Richard!

"I fought the knife out of her hand before she could do it, but then she ran." I looked down. "I'd make sure she's not allowed to have any weapons." He smirked at me from the corner of his eye as he walked away. A few moments after he was gone, Kelvin broke the silence again.

Secret of the Snow Queen (Fire and Ice Book #1) *GOING THROUGH EDITS*Where stories live. Discover now