Paw Patrol: Ruff-Ruff Pizza & Pup Troubles

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Gasket: No of course not, but I have somewhere I need to go! (rushes off on her motorcycle)

Hubcap: (scoffs) Who needs her!

Fungus: (glares at Hubcap)

Hubcap: Okay, okay! Yeesh, you always take it personally!

Fungus: She's still my mom in a way!

Hubcap: (scoffs) We can do this without Gasket, why'd she wanna leave anyway?

(scene changes to Mirage among the other genie pups and friends)

Mirage: (remembers) I just remembered something, I promised to bring Ginger over, she's been eager to see Rocky and the rest of the pups! (teleports away)

(scene changes to outside the tunnels leading to the sewers where Gasket arrives on her motorcycle)

Gasket: (looks around) Mirage?

Mirage: (exits the bushes) Fungus let me know those two didn't follow!

Gasket: Thanks! Can Ginger come back to visit?

Mirage: (ensures nobody is around) (smiles) No problem buddy!

(Mirage uses her magic changing Gasket back into Ginger)

Ginger: (touched) Thank you Mirage!

Mirage: (giggles) No problem buddy, you deserve to have personal fun once in a while too!

Ginger: (smiles) Thank you Mirage, I'm lucky to have a best friend like you!

(scene changes to Mirage and Ginger arriving at City Hall after Gasket's motorcycle is put somewhere it won't bother anyone)

Mayor Goodway: Ginger, nice to see you girl!

Ginger: (giggles) Goo seeing you too, Mayor Goodway!

Everest: (now overstuffed after eating the weight gain pizza last) (groans)

Ginger: Everest?

Mirage: You really should've eaten the weight gain pizza, first!

Everest: (nods) (rubs her stuffed belly)

Jake: Say Everest, do wanna see the pups at the Lookout?

Everest: I'd love too, but could some drive my snowcat?

Mirage: I can!

(scene changes to Mirage driving Everest's snowcat while towing Everest and Ginger in a wagon behind her)

Mirage: Hey Everest, you know you could have eaten an original weight snack?

Everest: (embarrassed) (blushes) My bad!

Ginger: (giggles) Do you think Marshall will like a tummy like this?

Everest: (shrugs) Maybe?

Ginger: Well you would double as a nice soft pillow!

Everest: (giggles) True!

(the trio arrive at the Lookout)

Skye: (rushes over) Mirage, any reason you're driving Everest's snowcat?

Everest: I asked if someone could with my condition!

Skye: (notices Everest and her enlarged belly) (surprised) Everest, what happened to you?

Everest: I kinda tried a new magic food!

Mirage: Yep! She tested the new magic pizzas, just like the pup sushi and meatballs!

Everest: Also it was super yummy! (licks lips)

Skye: Let me guess one for weight gain, another for weight loss, then original weight, and a normal one?

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