"Let's eat some grub, man." Letty adds patting his shoulder, as they all dig in to there food.


"Need a hand with anything else?" Brian asked walking into the kitchen with Mia, where she was washing dishes.

"No, we're good. You can go join the boys and watch the movie." Mia told her, Milly helping to dry the dishes.

"We'll you see the cook doesn't clean where I come from." Brian says beginning to help Milly dry the dishes, although that had gone out the window since Brian and Milly had left, now Brian cleans and Milly drys them.

"I'd like to go there." Mia says

"She likes you, you know." Brian nods towards Milly.

"She's cute, I like her too." Mia smiled

"I think we should go out sometime." Brian adds

"No, I don't date my brother's friends." Mia tells him

"That sucks." Brian says "I'll have to kick his ass then."

"I'd love to see that one." Mia chuckled as Vince walked in, "would pay to see that one, actually."

"Wash my car when you get done." Asked Vince putting popcorn into the microwave.

"What was that?" Mia questioned turning around.

"No, Mia. I'm talking to the punk." Vince nods towards Brian, "Wear your favourite dress, 'cause when you're done I'm putting you on the street where you belong, cutie. Is this thing broken?" He added hitting the side of the microwave "What's wrong with this thing?"

"What was that Cuban restaurant you wanted to take me to?" Mia suddenly asked walking over to him "The one with the picadillo and..."

"With red candles, wooden tables..." Vince asked

"The plantain, food all over the place." Mia finished "What it's called?"

"Cha Cha Cha." Vince told her

"Yeah, that's it." Mia says turning back to Brian, "Well, you can take me there. Friday night at 10:00. Is that good for you?" She asks him

"Yeah, it's perfect." Brian smiles

"Good." Mia agrees, as Vince bangs his hand against the door before walking back into the lounge room

"There's no popcorn." Jesse could be heard saying

"Make your own goddamn popcorn!" Vince said angrily.

Milly left Brian with Mia and the dishes wondering into the living room where the boys and Letty were watching a movie.

"Hey, turn that off." Dom told Leon.

"What?" Questioned Leon

"Turn it off, the kids here." Dom repeated

"I can go." Milly said, she didn't want to be a burden, she'd been told that all her life by her dad.

"It's ok." Dom said, he didn't know what is was about her, maybe because she reminded him of Mia when she was younger, he didn't know, but what ever it was she had him wrapped around her finger. He moved over slightly in his seat with Letty giving her room to sit down.

"You can sit." Dom said, cautiously Milly went and sat down besides Dom, yawning.

"What do you like to watch?" Asked Letty gently, Milly shrugged

"I'll watch what ever." She said, Dom chose a more age appropriate movie, although she soon fell asleep, resting against Dom.


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