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chapter; twenty

act two; twilight - new moon


     ELEANOR WOKE UP TO COMMOTION WITHIN THE USUALLY CALM HOUSEHOULD. Without making herself known as awake to the vampires, she tried to eavesdrop into the conversation and picked out the words, 'Bella', 'Forks', 'Suicide'. And a few others, but those three were the main ones.

Eleanor raced down the stairs, shocking the family. "We're going back to Forks?" She held hope in her voice, and this was evident to her family. They didn't want her to go, because she'd do something and fuck everything up.

They didn't think that offensively, just that the second she could, she'd run to Luca, and give him false hope if they weren't to return. That would just be devastating for them both.

However, at the same time, the family knew she needed this. Eleanor needed this. Even if it's a visit. Because she was made to leave him, then fell pregnant, to which she was overjoyed to always have a part of Luca with her. Then it all came crashing down again. She'd lost the baby, and that crushed her. 

So the family thought this was a very hard decision. Do they either let Eleanor come and let her have a few hours, maximum, of happiness, only to tear the two apart? Or do they say no, and she's left here, and there will be no doubt she will go against her family for the decision they made for her? They had no clue what to do and felt stuck in the middle.

Tears pricked Eleanor's eyes, "Let me come, please. I need to see him even if it's like an hour or twenty minutes. Please!" She pleaded repeatedly.

The family all exchanged glances, and it wasn't as discreet as they thought. "Stop fucking doing that! Just... please let me know if I'm allowed to go or not!" Eleanor's voice cracked, she was breaking down by the second, tears streamed down her face and she fought to keep herself upright.

"You can come. I'll drive you, and we'll pop by and make sure he's okay, if that'll make you feel better." Alice wrapped her arms tightly around Eleanor. Most of Eleanor's weight was put onto Alice (which didn't even phase the vampire), as Eleanor's knees couldn't cope any longer. Her whole body felt weak in that moment.

"Alice." Carlisle groaned, he thought they'd make the decision together and weigh the pros and cons with Eleanor, but the glare from the pixie girl shut him up fast. It broke Alice's heart watching her sister break down. She needed this more than anything.

"You need to clean up, get ready, and pack a bag. It'll be a long drive." Alice wiped the tears from Eleanor's cheeks, and tucked her unkept hair behind her ears, then pecked her forehead, "It'll be okay, so put on a nice smile and get ready." Alice ushered the girl away.

Once Eleanor was out of the human earshot, Alice turned to her family, only to be met with glares and annoyed looks. "You had to say she could? We haven't even discussed it properly yet." Carlisle crossed his arms.

The only person who seemed to be on her side was Rosalie. "Did you not see her? She's your daughter Carlisle, and our sister. We've all raised her since she was a toddler. I understand you wanted a discussion. But she's barely been holding herself together since the move, and January absolutely crushed her soul. She needs to see Luca, even if it's brief. Knowing he's okay, and being able to see him will make her feel better. Just cut her a break." Rosalie joined Alice's side.

She may not have agreed with even going to Forks for Bella in the first place, the person who caused this family to pack up everything and move abruptly, yet they were against letting Eleanor see the guy who made her see joy in everything.

Eleanor was a happy girl, but she was closed off since making friends hurt knowing she'd move away and they'd spam her asking why she had to leave. So she closed herself off as much as she could. That wouldn't let her stop from socialising and looked to be leading a normal life at least, but realistically, she didn't let them too far into her heart. Untill Luca. He managed to weasel his way over her built up walls and embed himself into her heart and soul permanently.

Currently, Eleanor was mildly optimistic. She was very excited though, that she couldn't deny. But she didn't want to get too happy because this was only temporary, and this could be the only time she'll ever see him again.

So at the current moment, Eleanor was cramming clothes and essentials into a bag, things that she'd need for a few days trip. The journey was many hours, plus stops for Eleanor to go toilet, food, etc. Then who knows how long the'll be in Forks for, then the same process for the journey back, but Alice will most likely obey to the traffic laws on the way home as they won't be in as much of a rush than they would be going to Forks.

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