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chapter; four

act one; twilight

     OVER THE NEXT FEW DAYS, EDWARD, ELEANOR AND LUCA WEREN'T IN SCHOOL, EDWARD HAD A DIFFERENT REASON THAN THE LATTER. But nonetheless, both had refused to leave where they were and step foot into the dreadful Forks high school.

Edward's reason was that he was with the Denali coven back in Alaska. Why? To try and regain his control over his thirst, which wasn't as good as he wished it was, despite attempting working in a hospital decades ago to help said thirst. All of this was done whilst simultaneously wallowing in guilt about Eleanor.

Eleanor, on the other hand, didn't want to get out of bed. She'd gone twice since the whole fiasco, but she refused to talk to her family. Luca didn't want her to be alone, so he stayed by her side. From the outside, it looked like either a toddler worthy tantrum or swing of depression, it was neither. 

She just both couldn't be bothered for the high school, and she wanted to 'beat' Edward, however that meant, not that anyone knew. Okay, so maybe it could partially be the toddler worthy tantrum. Not that the family would tell her that, otherwise she'd lock herself up even more like an animal in hiding.

But, despite Eleanor's whines, someday soon she'll have to return to school. Whether she liked it or not. Her parents would drag her kicking and screaming by her ear if they had to. And it wouldn't be so hard considering the vampire strength.

"Baby steps, El. Why don't you go to school and adjust to tolerating them again? Then go back home by the start of next week?" Luca suggested. He had tried so hard to convince Eleanor to go back to school, then her house. It's not that he wanted her gone, just that she couldn't avoid her family forever. Rosalie had sent him a few messages about Eleanor's returning, and he couldn't be more scared of the blonde vampire.

"No. Luca, I really don't want to see them. I could go to school, but I'm not going home or talking to them." Eleanor counter proposed. And Luca groaned, falling back into his pillows. "Do you want me gone or something?" Eleanor rose a brow at him.

"Yes! Wait- no that seemed rude. Rosalie is sending me many messages and I swear she'll murder me if you're not home. Have you seen how scary that woman can be?" Luca's voice rose several octaves while expressing his fear of Rosalie. This scene before Eleanor did send her into a fit of laughing, and only for Luca's sake, had she agreed to this.

Rosalie did bring Luca a box of chocolates that he loved, and said this was gratitude for listening to her and following up on his promise. But somewhere along her 'thank you', she dropped some threats. Though she was happy Eleanor was back, she did find some joy watching Luca writhe under her glare and his body language when she threatened him, as he looked like a puppy being yelled at.

Rosalie and Luca had a great bond, but he was still scared of her. He never thought of it until she threatened him, or when she'd be in a temper and lash out at everyone, especially when her rage is directed at someone even if they did nothing wrong. Luca was always scared shitless that the rage would be redirected towards him.

Nonetheless, Eleanor loved her family without hesitation, but the fact that everyone was tense and Edward wanted to suck a whole classroom dry and possibly risk exposure on the entire family for a mere human. 

Sure, Ellie was a human herself, but the family knew her a few years before taking her in, and they adjusted accordingly. They made sure to never put her life at risk, it was in honor of her parents last wishes.

Later at home, after Carlisle had finished work. He had come home tense and stressed about something. It became more obvious when he called a family meeting and just paced for a few minutes without saying anything. "A guy, Waylon, was killed at the docks. We've labelled it an animal attack." Carlisle finally stood still and spoke for the first time.

"Okay? Animals like wolves and bears do tend to do that. Not often, but they do. So I don't understand how it's that relevant." Rosalie leaned back, bored of this already. She wanted to sit at her vanity, remove her makeup, and have the girlie night the women of the house planned.

"That's what I was getting to. It wasn't an animal attack. Nomads." A tense silence fell over the room when he said 'Nomads'. Nomads were vampires with red eyes and fed on humans. They never stuck to one area and constantly travel, leaving a few bodies where they go.

"We need to keep a sharp eye out for anything suspicious, and because you're human, from this moment onward, your nightly forest walks and walks to Luca's house will be but on hold." The latter obvious for the youngest of the clan, Eleanor. And she was livid at this.

At Carlisle's words, her anger rose, and she practically snapped her head towards him and stood up, "What the fuck? So I can only see him at school, mainly break because we don't have that many lessons together. How long is this going to last? Because it's utter bullshit." Eleanor spat, she refused to agree to this, not that it was an option for her.

"Watch your tongue." Esme chastised, Eleanor had a habit for swearing, and Esme constantly reprimanded her for it. Though it didn't have an affect on the human girl.

Eleanor decided to take Esme's words literally, and poked her tongue out while looked down at it, "Sort of hard to do." She smiled sarcastically at her mother. Eleanor couldn't be bothered right now, because why on earth did Carlisle do that when the docks were practically on the opposite side of Forks, therefore shouldn't affect the family.

"Drop the attitude whilst you're at it, or you won't even be allowed to see each other when it's over." Esme's tone held no room for argument, shutting the brunette up immediately. Esme was normally very soft. She'd tell you off in a calm, collected manner. And she didn't shout often, apart from calling out for Eleanor, as she couldn't hear Esme talking on the other side of the house unlike the rest of the family.

Eleanor flopped back onto the sofa in defeat, "I hate these people sometimes." She muttered under her breath. For a moment there, she seemed to be forgetting about their enhanced hearing.

"If you behave, someone could let you drive their car to visit him, or drop you off." Carlisle reasoned, knowing when nobody was home, the girl would probably steal a car to visit her boyfriend.

What's your thoughts on this so far?
And, what do you think happened to her parents and how the Cullens knew them?
I hope you're enjoying reading this right now. I'm having so much fun watch my progress and write this!!

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