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chapter; eighteen

act two; twilight - new moon


     AN EAR-PIERCING SCREAM COMING FROM ELEANOR'S BEDROOM FILLED THE ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD. Unaware of what was happening, the family were in her room in seconds. They could smell one thing though. They found Eleanor in the corner of her bathroom, her grey joggers pooled with blood. 

"Oh god." Rosalie muttered, and rushed to Eleanor, she was an absolute wreck. She was sobbing and let out constant pain-filled screams.

The family watched in horror, the one thing that kept Eleanor happy and less depressed had ended, it was gone. Rosalie tried her best efforts to comfort the girl, but it was to no use. At the moment, she was inconsolable.

Carlisle checked on Eleanor, health-wise. And it wasn't just a bleed, which can happen, it definitely was a miscarriage. And this incident completely broke Eleanor.

The move alone made her miserable, but the chance to always have a piece of Luca with her, she'd take it in a heart beat, but now? She had also lost that, and now, it felt like she'd lost anything to do with him forever.

Eleanor had been helped back into her room, she laid on her bed emotionless. She just stared at the same spot on her ceiling and refused to take her eyes away from it, unless someone tried talking to her.

"Ellie, how are you doing?" Emmett questioned from the door to her bedroom. She turned her head and glared at him, before staring back at the ceiling.

"Right. Stupid question. I've got some cheesy movies you love. You shouldn't be alone right now, and Rose has gone out hunting, she'll be a few hours." Emmett held up some DVD's, but received no response from the girl.

Emmett placed the selected movie into the player, and sat besides Eleanor on the bed. She turned her head slightly to watch the movie, but wouldn't talk to Emmett. Yes, she appreciated his meaning and what he was doing, of course. But, at the current moment in time, she simply wanted to wallow in her grief alone.

Key word, alone.

But, nonetheless, Eleanor couldn't deny she enjoyed it slightly. Emmett understood she didn't want to talk, but rather be left alone. And he refused to let her be alone, because she was suffering deeply right now. 

She crawled out of her shell after moving and was enthusiastic about this baby, only for it to be ripped away from her.

So Emmett watched movies with Eleanor, until she'd fall asleep, and wouldn't leave her side.

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