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chapter; three

act one; twilight

     "WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO?" ELEANOR QUESTIONS, NOT KNOWING IF SHE'D HEARD HIM CORRECTLY. Edward was deciding on leaving to go to Alaska for some time, because the new girl happened to be Edward's bloodsinger, and he was having a hard time dealing with his bloodlust. 

"Ellie, you don't understand. You never will. She- I can't explain it, but her blood is so appealing to me, I don't know if I can control myself." Edward spat.

"Wow, okay. Never will. And I do understand partially. If you need time to regain yourself, go ahead, but don't think about talking to me like that again." Eleanor took slow steps towards him as he took steps back. She went off into her room, not wanting to be near him at the point in time.

"Go to Alaska, or even stay on the other side of the fucking world for all I care." She shouted down the stairs and slammed her door shut. 

Eleanor had never put much thought into how she'd change, nor why. It's been a touchy conversation that's been brought up many times. The family couldn't bear the thought of having to watch her grow old and die whilst they're permanently stuck in time. However, they also didn't like the idea of ripping away her future just so they don't have to lose her.

Eleanor came up with the idea of finishing school, possibly college as well, then travelling the world and making memories before she couldn't no more. She'd also taken about this with Luca, she didn't want him turned, so they could stay together. But they agreed if something were to ever happen, then he'd change instead of die. But apart from that, they'll look into other possibilities in the future. For now, they'll focus on another.

"Edward. That was too harsh." Rosalie shook her head at him, "I understand you may be hurting, but never take it out on her, she's done nothing wrong." She continued and left the room to check on the youngest sibling.

"Hey, can I come in?" Rosalie knocked on her bedroom door, "You'll come in no matter what I say." Eleanor responded through the door, Rosalie chuckled slightly knowing it was true, and closed the door after her.

"Don't cry Elle." The blonde sat besides her and pulled Eleanor closer to comfort her. "I know it sounds stupid, because I should live my life. But, to hear him say that just hurts, does he not want me here?" Eleanor sniffled slightly and looked up at her elder sister. She couldn't lie, Rosalie was definitely her favourite sibling, and she was Rosalie's. Especially when Eleanor was younger, whenever you couldn't find one, it was a guarantee they were together. Eleanor looked up to the blonde beauty her entire life, even before living with them.

Rosalie kissed the top of her head and got up to leave, but was pulled back, "Please don't leave me." Eleanor's voice came out broken, and Rosalie couldn't help but obey. Rosalie had stayed until she fell asleep in her arms. Once she was positive she was asleep, Rosalie had left to yell at Edward. She hated when Eleanor got that upset.

When Eleanor was younger, any time she got upset, she'd always go straight to Esme or Rosalie. She loved her entire family with her heart, but those two were the most nurturing when it came to people being upset. Esme would end up baking chocolate chip cookies that had gooey centres, or blueberry muffins. Whereas, Rosalie sat there and held her, whilst making threats to hurt, whoever was the reason she felt like this. 

About an hour after her nap, she walked downstairs and was greeted by the smell of food. When she finished, she sat in the living room and tried to beat Emmett in Mario Kart, which was definitely fun. Carlisle was at work for a night shift, Esme was re-reading an old book, Alice was hunting with Jasper, and Rosalie tried to read a magazine, but ended up watching her mate and sister in amusement.

"Ellie." Edward called from the other side of the room, "Don't call me that." She continued her focus on the game, not wanting to pay him any of her attention. At this point, Alice and Jasper were back and wanted to hear this possible argument. He kept trying to talk to her, and his distractions ended up killing her in the game. "Now I'm dead thanks to you. What do you want?" She turned to face him slightly.

"I didn't mean it like that. I know what your plan is for that, and I'm-" Edward was cut off, "If you didn't mean it, why'd you say it? And you're making it out like becoming one of you is my dream, and it's really not. No offence." She got up in a huff, the last part aimed at the rest of the family.

"If I wasn't in this family, but I knew of your existence, honestly I wouldn't want a part of it. But hear I am. I want to make the most of my human years, and I'd only want to change because I couldn't bear the thought of losing you. You're my family." Her tone was filled with anger. The vampires looked down in guilt, if they never took her in, she'd fulfil her life as it was intended.

"So basically we shouldn't have taken you?" Edward questioned, though he didn't mean it and the family knew it, his tone implied he did. Tears filled Eleanor's eyes at the words. She's always felt out of place and occasionally out of place, but she never would've expected this. Could she?

"Glad, we're on the same page." She whispered and turned to go to her room. She needed to leave, she couldn't cope with her emotions at this moment. And there was only one person she wanted to be around right now, Luca.

She ran around her room and shoved everything she'd need for the next few days, and rammed them into her bag. "Ellie." Esme's soft voice came from behind her, Eleanor turned to look at her for a second before going back to her packing. Eleanor's appearance broke Esme's heart, her eyes puffy and glossed with tears, her cheeks red and tear-stained. 

"Where are you going?" Esme placed a comforting hand on her back, but Eleanor shrugged it off, "Anywhere but here, I can't deal with this at the moment." She spat and turned to Esme. Guilt consumed her at her mothers hurt expression, but she wouldn't show it.

"Okay, just promise me you'll be safe and please come back soon." Esme nodded and left before she could respond, not like she was going to.

Eleanor threw the bag over her shoulder and headed straight for the door, ignoring Carlisle, Jasper and Rosalie who tried reasoning with her. As she got into the garage, she could hear Rosalie yelling at Edward for everything being his entire fault. She got into one of the cars and drove towards Luca's house. 

When she arrived, she knocked on the door and was greeted by his mother, "Eleanor! Come in, get out of the cold. Are you okay?" The older woman wrapped an arm around her and walked her inside.

"Luca's in his room watching some movie. I'll heat something up for you now." She turned towards the kitchen, "Oh, don't worry, I've had dinner." Eleanor dismissed. "Well at least let me make you one of my hot chocolates, it'll be rude considering how cold it is out, and I know you love them." Luca's mother insisted and began boiling milk on the stove.

"Ellie? What's wrong?" Luca jumped out of bed at her sad appearance. "A big fight with Edward, he said they shouldn't have kept me." Eleanor looked up at the boy, his jaw clenched slightly. He hated when she felt like this especially from family, but he couldn't do anything about it considering her family could break every bone without him seeing in a heartbeat.

Luca's mother brought up to hot chocolates with whipped cream, marshmallows and a little cocoa powder over the top, "Make sure you get some sleep for school. Love you both, and I'll see you in the morning." She smiled and closed the door afterwards.

For the rest of the night, her mind raced with thoughts like, if they could, would they have left her? Do they regret Eleanor? 

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