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chapter; nine

act one; twilight

     LATER THAT NIGHT, AFTER A WHOLE LOT OF FAMILY ARGUMENTS, ELEANOR WOKE UP IN NEED OF A DRINK, she walked downstairs only to find Esme reading over her newest recipe books, Alice listening to Rosalie's complaints. 

"What are you doing up?" Alice broke away from her conversation, "Just thirsty. Where's everyone?" Eleanor responded, her voice rather husky from just waking up.

"Carlisle's finishing work in his office, Emmett and Jasper are doing some competition with hunting quite far from here. And guess where Edward is." A slight smirk was on Rosalie's face at the latter. "Not a clue, where?" Eleanor was intrigued slightly, just to know what was getting this reaction off the blonde. 

"Perving on his human, who's asleep." Rosalie grimaced, "No. Fucking. Way. What a creep!" Eleanor laughed. She walked towards the kitchen for what she wanted in the first place, "Go back to bed, it's 2 am." Esme scolded Eleanor and kissed her head before going back to her books.

Eleanor walked back to Alice and Rosalie, only to find Emmett and Jasper just coming in, both covered in dirt and a little blood. The latter was the cleanest. "You look mank. Take a bloody shower." Eleanor left to go back to her room.

The next morning was the biology trip. Emmett and Rosalie didn't go as they were the year above, so today it was just Eleanor, Luca, Edward, Alice and Jasper. They walked over to their designated bus, and noticed Bella staring at them. Her trance on the family broke when Mike Newton had jumped in front of her.

"Come on guys, we gotta go. We gotta go. Green is what? Good." Mr Molina called the remaining students over. We were stood in front of the bus, the three vampires clearly listening in on Bella's conversation with Mike.

"He's asking her out to prom, but she's avoiding it by saying she's going to Jackonsville." Jasper whispered in my ear, knowing I wanted to know what was so interesting to hold their attention.

Bella and her friends were directed on to a bus, Mr Molina put on the one next to it, "Other bus, other bus. Let's go.". 

During the bus trip, I sat against the window and rested my legs over Luca's lap. "Just because we're both humans, doesn't mean I have to love her, does it?" I questioned quietly, "No. Just because you're the same species doesn't require you to love each other. Just be civil and see where you end up." Luca suggested. Her siblings sat behind them, and obviously heard it, they smiled at the advice. 

Alice already loved the new human, who didn't Alice love in all honesty? She could see the future and saw how great friends they were going to be. That's a good thing about her gift I suppose, She could have an opinion on someone before meeting them and decide if she really wanted them as a friend or not, and she could see if they were going to betray her when they decided it.

Edward was trying to figure out where he stood between a mate bond and the bloodlust of her being his bloodsinger. Fate really fucked him over with that one. He wanted to be near Bella, his heart told him to be with her as he was meant to be with her for eternity, meanwhile he also wanted to tear out her jugular and suck every ounce of blood out of her veins.

Jasper however, he wan't overly fond of Bella. He didn't like any humans for that matter, except Luca and Eleanor. He'd do anything for Ellie and liked how Luca would do the same, Jasper didn't dislike humans for anything they've done, just because of his control. 

The rest of the family had varied opinions, Rosalie made it as clear as day that she despised her and wanted to keep her out of the family, if she got brought into the family then Bella would have to give up the rest of her life. Don't get her wrong, she adored Eleanor, but at first she wished the family hadn't got to know her parents, only so Ellie could fulfill her life and not get sucked into this drama.

Esme was wary, but she loved caring for people. Carlisle too. They were extremely compassionate people and deserved the world. Carlisle always wanted what's best for his family and he wouldn't deny that he wasn't fond of Bella at first, but he saw how much Edward pained to be with his mate.

Emmett loved everybody, similarly Alice. Except he would speak up against things going wrong and would know if the family would benefit from either staying away, or interacting with Bella. But he'd always stick with Rosalie, he wouldn't despise the human as she'd done nothing wrong, he'd simply be kind and let his opinion develop over time, like a polaroid.

Mr Molina talked about 'compost tea' and Edward took the opportunity to talk to Bella about Jacksonville, despite Eleanor saying that it's stalker like and weird for him to know about her extremely fake flight if Bella had never told him, but he did it anyways.

Eleanor found a small white flower, with pink flecks and tucked it above Luca's ear. "You look gorgeous, my love." Eleanor smiled at him. He turned and plucked a flower, this one was an opposite of his, pink with white flecks. "Now you match me." He wrapped an arm around her waist. "You're amazing, Ellie. If it's okay with you, and your family of course, I'd love to spend the rest of my life with you." Luca had a grin from ear to ear, as a Ellie held a pink blush across her cheeks. 

"This sounds awfully a lot like a proposal Luca Campbell." Eleanor teased. "Not yet unfortunately. I'll wait till the time's right and ask your father for his blessing. Take you into the forest and get down on one knee." Eleanor smiled brightly as Luca described how he'd love to propose to Ellie and how Luca was caught up in his own world imagining it.

"So you've planned our life out have you?" Eleanor questioned, she was eager to hear this. Luca nodded, "Would you like to hear it?" He offered, and Eleanor gratefully accepted.

"We've talked about the vampire possibility and plan. But once we finish school and the time's right, I'll propose, and after a year maybe we could have the wedding with your family and cousins either here in the woods, or up in Alaska. Then as part of our honeymoon, we'd travel europe for two to three years, or less just as you wanted. And when we come back, and when the time is right, and only then, will we turn. And by then we'll be in out early to mid twenties." Luca rambled.

"I'd be honored to fulfill that plan with you." Eleanor gave him a quick kiss, she felt overjoyed at his plan and felt slight tears in her eyes. She'd do anything to keep that plan set in stone with Luca.

We caught up to Alice and Jasper who were making their way over to Edward and Bella. "hi. Are you gonna be riding with us?" Alice broke up their sort of tense moment. Bella opened her to mouth to speak"No, our bus is full." Edward interjected and hit the doors of the bus. The drive back to school was a non-awkward silence.

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