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chapter; seven

act one; twilight

     THE NEXT DAY AT SCHOOL, LUCA'S FRIENDS HAD INVITED HIM AND ELEANOR TO GO DOWN TO LA PUSH BEACH WITH THEM. "La push beach?" Emmett questioned, the family weren't overly happy about the location. "We can't protect you on their lands." Rosalie tried to sway Eleanor's decision. "You won't need to. I'll be there with Luca and his friends, I think Bella's lot are going too." Eleanor pleaded.

"Plus, the wolves wouldn't hurt me. I may be a Cullen, but I'm fully human, they'd break their own laws by hurting me." Eleanor reasoned, and they sighed in defeat, knowing she was indeed correct. "Fine. But call us every hour so we know you're alive." Rosalie demanded, I nodded in agreement.

After school, they got down to the beach, and met up with Bella and her friends, "Luca! You're not entirely brainwashed." Tyler joked, earning a glare from Eleanor, "Never was brainwashed, it's not like I completely ditched you." Luca laughed.

"Are you two swimming out?" Angela asked Eleanor and Luca, "Just me today." Luca answered. Luca took off his clothes, leaving him in a wetsuit. He grabbed his surf board, "Promise you'll be fine alone with her?" Luca whispered so the girl in question couldn't hear, "I promise, now go have fun." Eleanor kissed him.

Before Luca ran off with the guys, three natives walked over, "Bella?" one of them questioned, taking Bella by surprise, "Jacob. Guys, this is Jacob." She introduced. "Hey guys, how are you doing?" Jacob asked them.

"What are you doing? Stalking me?" Bella questioned Jacob, "You're on my rez, remember?" He retorted, 'Why do I have a feeling like he's a wolf, related to them?' Eleanor questioned internally.

"You guys should keep Bella company. Her date bailed." Jessica tightened the blanket around her, "What date?" Eric questioned, he seemed sad about it, and honestly Eleanor hadn't a clue in the world why so many people were obsessed with Bella. 

"She invited Edward." Jessica told them, and Eleanor scoffed at the news, receiving a confused look from everyone but Luca. "To be polite, that's all." Bella reasoned. "I think it's nice she invited him. Nobody ever does." Angela spoke up, 'Now they're making my brother sound like a pitiful charity case. Great.' Eleanor rolled her eyes. 

"Yeah, 'cause Cullen's a freak." Mike laughed, "Yeah you got that right." One of Jacob's friends agreed, the slander towards Eleanor's family whilst she was standing right there, set something off inside her. "Do you fucking mind?" Eleanor gritted her teeth, Mike immediately shut up and looked down. 

"Do you know him?" Bella questioned. "The Cullen's don't come here." Jacob's other friend answered, the mood seemed more tense after that. "Umm." Jessica nodded her head towards Eleanor, "She's a Cullen." Jessica spoke in a low tone, the three boys' heads snapped towards the human, "We're not freaks, thank you very much." Eleanor practical growled.

Luca kissed her cheek and caught up with Tyler, not wanting to be there, if and when she lashes out on them. Jacob's friends left, "So why don't your family come here?" Mike questioned, "They're not overly fond on beaches, or the ocean. They prefer the woods." Eleanor came up with the most plausible answer she could.

Eleanor felt like she was going to be put into a sour mood for the rest of the day. After Luca surfed and they had enough, they went back to Luca's house as it was meant to be sunny tomorrow, meaning the family wouldn't be in. And so it wouldn't look suspicious that the only one who looked different than the family was the only one in on a sunny day, Eleanor stayed off. Occaisionally when this happens Eleanor may stay at Luca's and he's 'on the camping/hiking trip with the family'.

The couple planned to remain in bed all day. And that they did. The only time they got disrupted was Rosalie calling, apparently something was going to happen to Bella, and it wasn't good. So Edward drove as quick as he could to save her, which he did. Thankfully. Eleanor may not have liked Bella sometimes but she wasn't a monster that'd wish that on anybody. Edward apparently took her out to food and exposed his ability to mind read but not the fact he's a vampire.

"You need to relax. How about you look through these magazines and look for dresses?" Luca grabbed a stack of fashion magazines and handed them to Eleanor, "Fashion magazines?" She rose her brow at the boy. "They're my mothers, she gave them to me and said to give them to you." He laughed, "Hmm, sure." Eleanor teased, earning a pillow to the head.

"Wow! You want to go there?" Eleanor laughed, she straddled his lap and thwacked him multiple time with a pillow, "Not the hair!" He cried out playfully and covered his hair. Luca grabbed Eleanor's wrists and flipped her over, he was now knelt between her legs and hovered above her, he could feel her breath on his lips due to the close distance. Eleanor played with the hairs on the back of his neck.


I never understood why Bella was almost 18 and Jacob was 15 in the films, and didn't the wolves first phase at like 14? I also just realised I wrote Waylon's death too early so just go with the flow xx

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