Chapter 17: Amidst the Chaos

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The aftermath of the explosion was a blur of sirens, smoke, and urgent voices. As Elliot carefully navigated through the debris, Olivia in his arms, his focus was singular: get her to safety and medical attention. Her unconscious state, coupled with the severity of her injury, filled him with a deep, gnawing fear.

Around them, NYPD officers and first responders were rapidly coordinating efforts to secure the area and attend to the injured. The bomb squad moved swiftly to ensure there were no secondary devices, while paramedics began triaging the wounded.

Ayanna Bell, witnessing the scene, rushed over to Elliot and Olivia. "Stabler, what happened? How is she?" she asked, her voice a mix of concern and authority.

Elliot, his expression grim, replied tersely, "I don't know, she's hurt bad. We need to get her to a hospital now." His usual composure was shaken, the sight of Olivia injured and vulnerable striking him to his core.

Fin, who had been coordinating with the other units, joined them, his face etched with worry. "Ambulance is on its way. They'll be here any second," he informed them, his gaze lingering on Olivia.

The wail of approaching sirens signaled the arrival of the emergency medical team. The paramedics quickly assessed Olivia's condition, working with practiced efficiency. As they prepared to transport her to the hospital, Elliot insisted on accompanying her, his hand never leaving hers.

At the hospital, the chaos of the emergency room was a stark contrast to the controlled urgency of the scene they had just left. Doctors and nurses moved swiftly around Olivia, their voices calm yet firm as they assessed her injuries and prepared her for surgery.

Elliot, now relegated to the waiting area, felt a sense of helplessness wash over him. The wait was agonizing, each second stretching into eternity. Bell and Fin joined him, offering silent support. Their presence was a comfort, but his mind was wholly with Olivia, replaying the moment of the explosion, wondering if he could have done something differently to protect her.


The sterile hospital waiting area, bathed in the harsh glow of fluorescent lights, seemed to stretch on endlessly. Elliot, Fin, and Ayanna stood in a tense vigil, the air thick with worry and unspoken fears.

As the hours dragged on, Elliot, usually a bastion of strength, felt a tremor of vulnerability. He knelt down, his hands clasped tightly together, his eyes shut as he whispered fervent prayers. "Please," he murmured, "I need her. We all need her. Don't take her away from us, not now."

Fin, observing his friend's rare display of open faith, joined him. Kneeling beside Elliot, he added his own silent prayers. "She's like a sister to me, God. She's the heart of our squad. We can't lose her."

Ayanna, a few steps away, looked upwards, her voice barely audible as she joined in the collective plea. "She's more than a captain to us. She's family. We're asking for a miracle here. Please."

The long wait was interrupted by the arrival of the surgeon, his face revealing nothing as he approached them. "Detective Benson is out of surgery. The procedure was successful, and her wounds are stitched up. She's strong; she made it through."

Relief washed over the trio, manifesting in a tight, grateful embrace. But the doctor's expression sobered as he continued. "There's more you need to know. The explosion released a chemical that entered her system. It's affecting her liver, and we're concerned about the risk of ALS."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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