Chapter 7: New Beginnings

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Six months had passed like the turning pages of a new chapter in Olivia Benson's life, one filled with unexpected joy and profound changes. She, along with Elliot, Eli, and Noah, had settled into a rhythm of family life in an apartment they all had agreed upon. The blending of their lives had been smoother than Olivia ever dared to hope.

One of the most heartwarming developments was the bond that had formed between her and Eli. There had been a moment, tender and genuine, when Eli had shyly approached her. "Can I... can I call you Mom?" he had asked, his eyes hopeful. The question had taken Olivia by surprise, but the honor and joy it brought her were immeasurable. And Noah, with equal sweetness, had asked Elliot if he could call him Dad. The new family structure was a source of comfort and happiness for all of them.

Their lives had settled into a contented routine. Family dinners became a cherished tradition, held every Friday or Saturday night, depending on the demands of their jobs. These gatherings were a time of laughter, shared stories, and the warmth of togetherness. Grandma Bernie, now living with a full-time caregiver in her house, would join them, bringing her own brand of humor and wisdom to the table.

Bernie had become an integral part of their extended family. This weekend, as the caregiver dropped her off for her stay with Elliot and Olivia, the joy in Bernie's eyes was evident. She cherished these moments with her grandchildren, both biological and by heart.

Olivia watched this evolving family dynamic with a sense of fulfillment she had never experienced before. She could offer Noah a life rich with family bonds, something she had always wished for him. The Stabler family had embraced them both, filling their lives with love and support.

Even their professional lives intersected in camaraderie. The SVU and Organized Crime crews would gather every two weeks, sharing drinks and stories, their bond strengthened not just by their shared work but by their mutual respect and friendship.

In these moments of laughter and shared happiness, Olivia often found herself at peace, a sense of relief washing over her. She had no regrets, no unturned stones in her life, except for one lingering thought - her daughter.

As she watched her family interact, laughing and chatting, Olivia couldn't help but wonder about the daughter she had given up. Would she have enjoyed being part of this large, boisterous family? Was she happy with her adoptive family, possibly unaware of her birth mother's existence?

These thoughts were a quiet undercurrent in

Olivia's otherwise content life. She cherished the family she had built, the love that surrounded her, yet a part of her heart remained with the daughter she had never known. The joy of her current life was tinged with a bittersweet longing, a silent wonder about what could have been.

With a family and friends dinner, the apartment filled with the sounds of laughter and conversation. Olivia looked around at the faces of her loved ones, feeling a profound gratitude for this second chance at family. Yet, as she smiled and joined in the chatter, her thoughts drifted to the daughter she hoped was out there somewhere, living a life full of love and happiness.


The evening had settled over New York City like a gentle embrace, the skyline a canvas of fading light and emerging stars. In the quiet comfort of their apartment, with the boys asleep, Olivia and Elliot found themselves in a rare moment of tranquility. Elliot, with his ever-thoughtful touch, brought over two glasses and Olivia's favorite wine, pouring each with care.

They settled onto the couch, positioned near the large window that offered a panoramic view of the city basked in the soft glow of sunset. The scene outside was a mirror of the peace they found in each other's company.

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