Chapter Five: Preparing for Battle

Start from the beginning

It then approached me softly nuzzling its face against mine my hands instinctively go to pet its fine white mane "ah that is indeed a fine horse," Lancelot commented joining me to the side "in fact I do believe that is the daughter of the king's own personal horse how interesting tell me Alaric do you have a name for her already?" he asked. 

Tilting my head to the side I stared into the deep depths of the horse's eyes "yes I do believe

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Tilting my head to the side I stared into the deep depths of the horse's eyes "yes I do believe...Shadowfax would seem like an appropriate name for you tell me do you approve?" I asked to the horse who in response rose its head with an affirmative whine "then so it is," I said with a smile. 

Taking Shadowfax back with us Lancelot began to equip the necessary things that one needed for riding. 

Then the time came when we went to the front gate her majesty was already there on her horse, she meets my gaze for a moment upon noticing the horse that I was riding. A thoughtful look appeared on her face until she ultimately gave me a nod of approval which for some reason made me smile. 

"Rider's of Camelot by tonight we will lay waste to our enemy...tonight they shall know to fear the might of Camelot!" she roared prompting cheers from nearly everyone "now let us ride forth!" she ordered riding out the gates. 

Without hesitation we rode forth I didn't feel nervous at all rather I felt the blood in my veins boiling with anticipation. 

The ride was a long and silent one the only thing one could hear was the stomping sounds of death none of us were really that exhausted when we finally arrived at our destination a scared battlefield filled with nothing, but dead bodies greeted us. 

From my position I could see the Saxon's own battalion the one at the front center rode forth tossing the head of one of the patrolling knights that guarded the territory "you will find no victory here spawn of Uther! We have long since annihilated everyone in your territory," the commanding Saxon exclaimed with a vicious grin. 

I look to the 'King' who stoically looked at the headless knight the next thing I knew she had picked up her spear launching it forward at a speed that I could not comprehend. 

The spear traveled forth breaking through wind before it ultimately pierced the commanding Saxon straight in the chest, but the spear did not stop there rather it continued until the heart was quite literally launched out from his chest caving his upper half in completely.   

Blood escaped from the Saxon's mouth as he fell backward the spear holding his lifeless body upward. 

I should have felt sick to my core or at least something but after what I did when I killed my former master, I didn't even feel a single thing for that Saxon scum the bastard had gotten what he had deserved I thought with satisfaction. 

The 'King' glanced at someone with gray silverish like hair "Sir Bedivere sound the war horn!" she commanded Sir Bedivere nods "understood," he quickly replied blowing the horn. 

The sound echoed and everyone single one of us unsheathed our blades I extended my left arm out to the side conjuring a blue like ethereal like blade that was the same size as the sword that I was gripping in my right arm. 

Unlike the rest of the knights, I found that I fought best when I was dual wielding two swords instead of one. 

Arthur raised her blade into the air "TO BATTLE!!" she chanted riding forth everyone else including me roared back "TO BATTLLE!!" we charged following after her majesty the Saxons seeing this retaliated charging forward to meet us in combat.

Some of the knights chose to continue riding on their horses while others chose to run at the enemy the mere sight of seeing something like this would make a civilian faint with fear. 

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-end of chapter five-

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and are liking the story so far. 

the next chapter a certain White Dragon menace will appear along with Merlin.

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