32. Use me (Mingyu)

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Pairings: Mingyu × y/n
Genre/tags: FWB
Warning: 🔞 smut but a little fluff? cursing, sensual touching, making out, needy/clingy, kink
~~~~[lmk if i miss anything]
Words: 1.4k
- this story is just made up
- english is not my first language, please be nice 😊

Note: just a short drabble.
(Posted on tumbler)


"What are you doing?" Mingyu asks the second he enters your room.

He found you laying, face down on your bed and wrapped with your thick blanket like a cocoon.

"Go away." You mumble over your pillow

You hear him shut the door of your room and walk around to your bed "Your brother called me and said you are a mess."

"Why would he call you?!" You shove your face even more onto the pillow

"One because he's leaving... he said he'll go and meet up with his girlfriend and her family."


"And two," Mingyu rolls you around, to set your free from your blanket and pulls you up to sit down and face him. "I'm here to be your guy." He smiles as he pushes all the hair covering your face away. "Your eyes are so red... why did you cry this time?"

"Well..." you look down unable to say the thing that hurted you.

"Just say it..." he pushes the blanket away and moves to your side to sit. "C'mon... tell me..."

Tears are coming back up but you try to hold it in. "Maybe it's just my hormones I don't know..."

"Y/N... just spit it out."

You turn your head to face Mingyu, still trying to hold on to your tears. "I think.... I think Cheolie is dating someone new..."


"Hmm? Just hmm?"

"Well that's old news."

"What do you mean old news? How long did you knew?"

Mingyu playfully flicks his finger on your forehead. "A month?"

"A month? They have been dating for a month already?"

Mingyu shakes his head. "You asked me, how long did I knew.... A month... but them dating... hmm... looks like a bit longer than that."


Your lips starts to quiver, a sign that you are about to cry again, but Mingyu had it with you crying for that man.

"Stop. If you cry again. I'll kiss you." He warns as he squishes your cheeks, making you pout like a duck.


"No buts... stop. You two have broken up for half a year now... you should move on already..."

You move away from him to release your cheeks from his grip. "I know... but... it's so hard to forget... we dated for two years..."

"You say it is hard to forget but look at him... dating already..."

"What can I do? I... I just..."

"Why? Do you still love him? After what he did to you?" He sounds more serious now. "Y/N... come on... the guy is not worth it."

"I know...." you slide back, to let your back rest on your headboard "I just... miss having someone.. maybe? And Cheolie have been that guy for me... I need love and--"

"You have me." Mingyu suddenly says. "I am your friend... and if you want... I can help you with... well... your other needs."

You blush at his remarks. You and Mingyu have been friends longer than you've know Cheol. He have always been there. He is the nicest guy you ever met. And to add to that is he is a very good looking guy. He is a catch.

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