Chapter 12

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The anticipation thrummed through Jungkook like a live wire. Each beat of his heart echoed the pounding of his fists against the worn tabletop. Six years – six years had passed since his soul last resonated with Seokjin's. Memories flickered like fireflies in the back of his mind: whispered secrets, shared laughter, and the bittersweet sting of their parting.

He inhaled sharply, trying to calm the fluttering nerves that danced in his stomach. Jimin's words echoed in his head, a mocking refrain: "Dress to impress, Kookie! Make him remember what he's missing." But here he was, in a hole-in-the-wall diner, clad in jeans and a plain T-shirt, feeling as insignificant as a pebble on a beach.

Then, through the smoky haze of the eatery, he saw him. Seokjin.

No extravagant suit, no dazzling smile from magazine covers. Just Seokjin, in a simple shirt and khakis, looking like a sunbeam had materialized into human form. A wave of relief washed over Jungkook, the tension easing from his shoulders as he realized: Seokjin hadn't come here for a show. He'd come for them.

The reunion was electric, charged with unspoken emotions. A mutual laugh at their awkwardness, a lingering touch as they greeted, filled the space between them with a familiar warmth. As they settled into their seats, words tumbled out like water over rocks, catching glimpses of their lives over the past six years.

Jungkook found himself captivated by Seokjin's transformation. Gone was the boy burdened by self-doubt, replaced by a man with confidence shining in his eyes and a hint of steel beneath his easy smile. His once soft frame had sculpted itself into something lean and muscled, the result of dedication and discipline that impressed Jungkook both as a friend and as a fellow gym enthusiast.

The air crackled with unspoken admiration as Jungkook's eyes devoured Seokjin's form. The once-rounded curves had melted away, replaced by lean muscle that hinted at dedication and discipline. A blush bloomed on Seokjin's cheeks, the warmth mirroring the fiery passion in Jungkook's gaze.

"Damn, hyung," Jungkook breathed, the words catching in his throat. "You look incredible. I almost didn't recognize you."

Seokjin chuckled, a self-deprecating sound that sent a shiver down Jungkook's spine. "It's been a while, Jungkook. Six years changes a person, even a guy who could barely fit into a booth like this."

The playful jab brought a smile to Jungkook's lips. "Hey, don't knock the booth," he countered, his voice tinged with amusement. "It's comfortable enough for me, and you fit just fine now."

Seokjin's blush deepened, his fingers nervously fiddling with the edge of the tablecloth. "It wasn't easy, you know," he admitted, his voice a low murmur. "But after you...well, after we..." He trailed off, the unspoken words hanging heavy in the air.

Jungkook reached across the table, his fingers brushing against Seokjin's. "It wasn't your fault, hyung," he said gently, his voice laced with understanding. "We were both young, both figuring things out. And honestly, I'm so proud of you."

Seokjin's eyes widened, the pain and self-doubt that had clouded them for so long giving way to a flicker of hope. "Proud?" he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.

Jungkook nodded, his gaze unwavering. "Hell yeah, proud. You took control of your life, made yourself strong, both inside and out. That's no easy feat, and I admire the hell out of you for it."

Seokjin's smile, when it finally arrived, was like the sun breaking through storm clouds. It was hesitant at first, tinged with disbelief, but it blossomed into a radiance that took Jungkook's breath away.

"Thank you, Jungkook," he said, his voice husky with emotion. "That means more to me than you know."

Their eyes locked, a silent conversation passing between them.

"So," Seokjin began, his voice tinged with curiosity, "tell me about yourself, Kookie. Six years is a long time. What big things have you achieved?"

Jungkook grinned, a proud glint in his eyes. "Well, hyung, I managed to pull off the impossible." He puffed out his chest playfully. "Remember that tiny apartment we used to share? I just bought a house for my family! A whole house, with a backyard and everything!"

Seokjin's jaw dropped, surprise battling with warmth in his eyes. "Wow, Jungkook! That's...that's amazing! I'm so proud of you." He paused, a memory flickering in his mind. "Actually, that kind of explains something," he added, a wistful smile playing on his lips.

"Explain what?" Jungkook's brows furrowed in confusion.

"Remember the last time I visited your old neighborhood? The landlady mentioned you guys had moved out, couldn't afford the rent anymore. I was so worried...but clearly, you had bigger plans in the works."

Jungkook's cheeks flushed a faint pink. "Yeah, we did," he mumbled, avoiding Seokjin's gaze. "It wasn't easy, but we made it work."

A comfortable silence settled between them, the unspoken understanding hanging in the air. Seokjin's visit, even during their estrangement, meant something to Jungkook. It showed that despite their separation, Seokjin still cared.

The words hung heavy in the air, a sudden weight amidst the lighthearted banter. Jungkook's apology, a hesitant confession of his brother's guilt, pierced through the comfortable bubble they had built. His voice, barely a whisper, echoed with the genuine remorse he'd carried for years. "Seokjin-hyung," he began, eyes downcast, "I wanted to say...I'm so sorry about the car. About what Jun-suk and his gang did. I know words can't erase the past, but..."

He trailed off, unable to articulate the depths of his regret. The hurt he'd witnessed in Seokjin's eyes that night, the fear etched on his face, still haunted him. He knew his own friendship with Jun-suk, born from misguided loyalty and a shared history of hardship, had blinded him to the pain his brother caused.

Seokjin, ever the gentle soul, offered a reassuring smile, though it didn't quite reach his eyes. "It's okay, Jungkook," he said, his voice soft. "You weren't there. Besides, I..." He hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "I understand Jun-suk is going through a tough time. I just hope he makes better choices, finds his own path."

He looked at Jungkook, his gaze searching for any hint of insincerity, any trace of the frustration had fueled his anger back then. But what he saw was a young man, a friend, his eyes filled with genuine remorse and a vulnerability that mirrored Seokjin's own.

"It's okay," Seokjin finally said again, his voice hoarse with the effort of holding back the storm within him. "I dropped the charges. I just...I hoped Jun-suk would learn from it."

Jungkook's face softened, relief washing over him like a cleansing wave. "Thank you, hyung," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "I...I don't deserve it, but I promise, I'll try to talk to him. Make him understand the hurt he caused."

Seokjin nodded, a bittersweet smile gracing his lips. He felt better that Jungkook isn't angry with his brother.

"So, hyung, tell me about you?"


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