Chapter 3

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The elevator doors slid open, revealing Seokjin, his back rigid and his face flushed. He seemed ready to melt into the corner, anything to avoid Jungkook's gaze. But Jungkook, ever persistent, sauntered in, his smile as bright as the sunshine streaming through the glass.

"There you are!" he chirped, his voice too loud for the confined space. "Just wanted to check in, see how your progress is going."

Seokjin froze, his body a statue of defiance. "Progress?" he echoed, his voice laced with ice. "I haven't signed up for your workout plan, nor do I ever intend to."

Jungkook's smile faltered, the cheeriness momentarily draining from his face. He knew Seokjin was resistant, but his concern was genuine. "Look, I'm not trying to pressure you," he said, his voice softening. "But obesity is a serious issue, Seokjin. It can lead to..."

Seokjin cut him off, his voice rising with anger. "Don't you dare lecture me about my health!" he spat, his eyes blazing. "I know the risks, alright? I live with them every damn day. And frankly, I don't need your unsolicited advice or your pitying glances."

He slammed his fist against the elevator button, the metallic clang echoing in the silence. "This conversation is over," he declared, his voice trembling with emotion.

The elevator doors opened, and Seokjin stormed out, leaving Jungkook standing alone, his heart heavy with guilt and confusion. He hadn't meant to offend Seokjin, he genuinely cared about his well-being. But his words, however well-intentioned, had come across as insensitive and judgmental.

Jungkook closed his eyes, his mind replaying Seokjin's angry words. He knew obesity was a complex issue, not just a matter of willpower. He hadn't considered the emotional toll, the constant battle Seokjin fought with himself every day.

Shame washed over him. He had crossed a line, and seeing the hurt in Seokjin's eyes left him speechless. He had been so focused on pushing his own agenda, on helping Seokjin in the way he thought was best, that he had forgotten the most important thing: listening.

As he walked away from the elevator, Jungkook knew he had to do better. He had to understand Seokjin's perspective, to listen to his story without judgment. Maybe then, he could offer genuine support, not just a pre-packaged solution.

He hoped Seokjin would forgive him, that he would allow him to prove that his concern wasn't just a fleeting fad, but a genuine desire to be there for him.


The air crackled with nervous energy as Seokjin fussed in front of the mirror. A date. An actual date. He hadn't uttered those words in years, not with genuine hope in his voice. Butterflies swarmed in his stomach, threatening to erupt in a full-fledged avian migration.

He dialed his mother's number, her familiar voice a comforting presence in the whirlwind of anxieties. "Eomma, are you sure this is a good idea?" he questioned, his voice tight with worry.

"Jinnie, don't be silly," his mother chuckled, her voice warm and reassuring. "This is wonderful! A chance to meet someone new, maybe even... you know..."

The unspoken word hung heavy in the air, unspoken but understood. Love. A concept Seokjin had almost relegated to dusty fairytales and faded romance novels.

"But what if he sees me and... and..." Seokjin stammered, the words catching in his throat.

"And what?" his mother prompted gently. "And he realizes what a kind, funny, talented man you are? Someone with a heart as big as your appetite and a soul that shines brighter than any Michelin star?"

Seokjin's heart skipped a beat. His mother, despite miles separating them, had a way of seeing right through his insecurities, of reminding him of his worth.

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