His father, a slumped figure on the couch, stirred. But the memory of their last fight, of Jungkook's harsh ultimatum, kept him silent. "Instead of slacking on the couch, do your responsibility as a father."

Jungkook saw the flicker of hope in his mother's eyes, the desperate wish to believe in another "last time." It was a hope he couldn't afford, a luxury their family didn't have.

"I can't, Eomma," he finally said, the words heavy on his tongue. "This money isn't mine alone. It's Jun-hee's future, it's the dream I'm building for all of us."

His mother's shoulders slumped, her hope extinguished. Tears welled in her eyes, a silent storm brewing. And in that moment, Jungkook saw not just his mother, but a woman weighed down by years of worry, her resilience stretched to its breaking point.

With a sigh that carried the weight of the world, Jungkook reached out and gently touched her arm. "But," he said, his voice softer now, "I won't abandon him either. Find him a lawyer or put him in rehabilitation. Eomma, I'll pay for that. Let's try a different path this time."


The police station's sterile hallway hummed with a low murmur, a stark contrast to the chaotic whirlpool of emotions churning within Jungkook. Beside him, his mother's hand grasped his tightly, worry etched into every line of her face. They approached the desk of a weary-eyed officer, the weight of anticipation heavy in the air.

"Officer Park, we're here for Jung-suk," Jungkook stated, his voice firm despite the tremor in his heart.

The officer looked up, his gaze lingering on Jungkook for a moment before softening slightly. "Ah, yes. Mr. Jeon. Good news, actually. The car theft charges have been dropped."

Jungkook blinked, relief washing over him like a tidal wave. "Dropped? But..."

"Apparently, the complainant reconsidered and decided not to press charges," Officer Park explained. "There was some property damage, but it seems your brother and his friends worked things out with the owner, reached an agreement to cover the repairs."

A wave of gratitude washed over Jungkook. He knew his brother wasn't an angel, but this unexpected turn of events offered a glimmer of hope. He turned to his mother, her eyes widening in disbelief before tears of relief welled up.

"Thank you, Officer Park," Jungkook said, his voice sincere. "We... we really appreciate it."

"Just glad things worked out for the best," Officer Park replied with a tired smile. "Tell your brother to stay on the straight and narrow, alright?" He nodded, the weight of responsibility pressing down on him.

Jungkook and his family, a motley crew bound by blood and circumstance, walked side-by-side, their steps lighter than they had been in ages. The unexpected reprieve hung in the air, a fragile balloon filled with hope.

Jungkook, ever the responsible one, used the moment to deliver a stern lecture. "Look, Jung-suk," he said, his voice laced with relief and frustration, "this was a lucky break. Don't think for a second you can keep playing fast and loose like this. One day, your luck might run out."

Jung-suk, surprisingly subdued, simply shrugged. "Yeah, yeah, hyung," he mumbled, kicking a pebble down the sidewalk. But a mischievous glint flickered in his eyes as he added, "Speaking of luck, that car owner you were talking about, the hot one? He wants to meet you."

A jolt ran through Jungkook. He'd barely processed the good news about the dropped charges, and now his mind was bombarded with questions. "What car owner? What are you talking about?"

Jung-suk grinned, pulling a crumpled letter from his pocket. "This handsome dude gave it to me before we left. Said he wanted to thank you personally for 'saving his car' and all. Seems impressed with your 'big brotherly wisdom.' Wink wink."

Jungkook snatched the letter, his gaze skimming the elegant script. His breath hitched as he recognized the name:

Kim Seokjin. Could it be...

"Seokjin?" he asked, his voice a hoarse whisper.

Jung-suk's grin widened. "The one and only, hyung. Said he runs a fancy restaurant nearby. Looks like you're finally getting a date!"

His mother, bless her meddling heart, smacked Jung-suk on the head. "Don't be ridiculous! Jungkook's too busy for frivolous things like that."

Jungkook clutched the letter, the paper warm against his palm. Excitement warred with trepidation in his chest.

"Seokjin, it's about time we meet again. "


Thank you for reading my stories. I hope you love my story.

Please vote and comment nice words.Have a nice day ^^Borahae

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