004. nightly experiences

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୭  🧷 ✧ ˚.  ᵎᵎ  🎀

ONCE WE finally got to the hotel after being cramped together in the cab (and walker slightly dozing on me, but catching himself in time) I don't know why but I really wanted him to be comfortable around me, at least enough to sleep on my shoulder in public.

The hotel was about 20 mins away from set, and fairly decent. Me, Aryan and walker were all sharing one room. The nerves I didn't have before at all of us sharing a room came unexpectedly and I felt my face heat up... fingers crossed nobody noticed.

[ walker's pov ]

I saw Luna's face heat up as we all headed towards the same room.. "Oh no", my brain screamed at me... You made her uncomfortable and now she won't talk to you... and then hate you....and then... we'll I don't know what will happen then...but her not talking to me , is bad enough as it is.

Finally we got to the hotel room and... there were only TWO BEDS!!!

Oh god... oh god...
What to do?

[ luna's pov ]

As we entered the hotel room, and saw the two beds I could see walker slightly hyperventilate. Maybe he just doesn't want to be around me, he was acting a bit weird after the cab ride, but it was fine... I guess.

Walker immediately volunteered, "I'll sleep on the floor." Aryan had already coined one bed and refused to change it due to his slight kicking in sleep problems... I didn't want walker to sleep on the floor though, "No.. uhm we could, I don't know. But you don't have to sleep on the floor.. maybe we can switch on alternate nights."

Walker gave me a confused look before vehemently shaking his head and lugging my bag to the other bed (with me in confusion) before saying, "There your bag's on this bed, you will sleep on this bed."

I gave him a confused and worried look before he stated, " I'll sleep on the floor between the beds, let me just go and find a sleeping bag."

Before he went out I stopped him and said worriedly, "you sure? Because you don't have to. I'll be happy to." My worried look had a frown by this time, and I was sure I reminded him of his mom... but I wanted him to be sure and not exactly suffer on the floor.

[ walker's pov ]

Luna's voice and face both expressed worry of me sleeping on the floor... but I didn't want her sleeping on the floor. I reassured her, "Luna.. Trust me it's fine." Her worried look didn't go but she did move out of my way to let me go get a sleeping bag.

The floor was a bit uncomfortable and made by back feel a bit like a 80 year old British grandpa's but it's fine... at least Luna's comfortable

The car was not slowing down, and mom was in the drivers seat. I saw pure terror on her face as the car crashed  and mom was flung through.. Leena and Tanner were in the backseat... this was all my fault
And tanner... he was already getting bullied because of me ... my god this was all MY FAULT!!!

I woke with a start... silent tears down my face. Aryan didn't looked fazed however Luna looked to be in a lighter state of sleep. I couldn't bother her... I needed her to like me, and that was hard enough with my annoying personality -as I  have been told.

I slowly rose out of the sleeping bag and went to take a swig from my bottle of water. Still unable to shake the shivers I decided to take a walk outside, slowly walking out of the room - and being very mindful to close it properly - I decided to take a round of all the hotel floors, the entire cast was on the 6th floor, so I started taking rounds from the 7th.

By the time I reached the 13th floor (the hotel has 22 floors), I felt tired enough to at least have a light sleep without any nightmares. Making the way back to the room I opened it slowly, but as I was closing it, Luna woke with a slight start at the noise. Shit.

[ luna's pov ]

I woke with a start at the sudden voice of the door closing , I sat up abruptly looking over to the door to see a distressed walker , his eyes were bloodshot and his hair was sticking to his face , worry instantly clouded my mind as I sat up and said, "you okay walkie?" I saw Walker slightly flinch.

[ walker's pov ]
Shit. Great I woke her up, disturbed her sleep and now she's going to hate me. Wonderful, just absolutely wonderful.

[ luna's pov ]

Walker looked deep in thought as he stared at the floor almost like he was willing it to swallow him up. I slightly motioned for him to come forward.

[ walker's pov ]

I watched nervously as Luna motioned for me to come forward. I slightly shuffled my feet as I glanced quickly at Aryan's bed (still sound asleep) before standing slightly away from Luna's bed. She had a kind look on her face, but maybe she was just being pitiful.

I went slightly more closer and her hand hovered slightly over my shoulders, as if asking for permission. I nodded subconsciously and felt her warm hands of comfort on my shoulder. I felt slightly better but a tiny voice in my head whispered, 'at the end of the day she's just taking pity on you.'

I pulled out of the slight hug she had me in and shook my head, with slight tears in my eyes and hoarsely said, "I'm fine. Just go back to sleep." I saw her face contort in slight shock as I walked further away from her bed and into my sleeping bag.
I heard her try to reason, "Walker.. what's wrong? Talk to me please."

[ luna's pov ]

I tried to convince Walker to talk to me, and let me comfort him. If he was distressed enough that he had to go out, he needed comforting. However Walker looked slightly mad now as I saw his face slightly contort, "Luna, Please mind your own business. If I don't want to talk to you, it means I REALLY don't want to talk to you. Moreover, your voice is just going to give me even more of a headache. Please Luna for the love of all the gods, SHUT UP."

I don't know what came over him or me in that matter as we both had slight tears in our eyes now as I retaliated, "Fine, it's not like I take a great pleasure in listening to you yap either."

And with that I burrowed myself back into the covers as some silent tears streamed down my face.

[ walker's pov ]

I saw slight hurt cross over her face as she burrowed her self in the covers and I decided to get comfortable in the sleeping bag - well as comfortable as I could be anyway. And as some of the tears streamed down my face, soaking the pillow below I found I couldn't differentiate if it was because of the nightmare which still played in the background of my mind or because of Luna's hurt expression because of me.  Oh god , she was hurt because of me... Because of stupid me..   save me.

ari speaks! ˚୨୧˚
woop woop the angst has entered the chat , sorry if any of u are upset by this helpsos!! but like I genuinely kinda like the way this is going , pls don't forget to vote! I hope everyone reading this has a good day/night , take care of your self and don't skip any meals !!

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