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14 - The Beach

It was the 8th of June. Hwara finally woke up from her deep slumber, missing the feeling of being in the hospital bed. It sure has been a long time since she been here thanks to all those tiring loops.

"I made it alive!..." Hwara thought.

"I thought I was supposed to die in order for the loops to end..."

"Does that mean.. it hasn't?..."

Hwara was stuck deep in her thoughts as the cat appeared before her again like the first time, behind the hospital windows.

"You have done a great job in saving them all this time. I congratulate you for your hard work and determination." The voice spoke again.

"Your loop adventures have ended but do beware of the things that come before you. I will see you.. again." The voice trailed of as the cat lingered for a bit before it too left.

"Hwara?..." Seokjin's voice brought her back to reality.

"Hey hyung... Why do you look so dead?... I told you to take care of yourself well." Hwara playfully got mad.

Seokjin was more than delighted to see her awake. He was glad that the loops ended without her needing to die like the voice had said before. He immediately rushed forward to give his sister a tight hug. Joohyun, Jeongyeon and Namjoon entered to see Hwara awake.

"We thought you'd never wake up!" Namjoon said.
"I'm so sorry maknae, its all my fault!" Joohyun cried with guilt.
"I knew you'd wake up little bean!" Jeongyeon said

The reunion was heartwarming indeed. They all just wished this was the end however they too know that it isn't but they were prepared for whatever comes next.


Seokjin and Hwara were at their house, sleeping peacefully in their rooms after all those tiring loops. As they were sleeping soundly, the two suddenly woke up to their bell ringing continuously.

Seokjin tiredly stood up and walked to the door to answer it as Hwara took got up to see who it could be. Seokjin opened the door to get pushed by a group's of people to the couch.

"Seokjin hyung!!!"

It was Taehyung, Jungkook, Jimin and Hoseok. Namjoon, Yoongi and the girls all walked it behind them.

"Oh? What are you guys doing here all the way in the morning?" Seokjin asked as he tried to catch his breath from the 4 who were practically suffocating him from their hugs.

"Morning? At 12? It's noon already, Seokjin." Joohyun replied as she tried to get the boy's off of the man, saving him.

"Yeah hyung! You know what day it is today?" Taheyung asked excitedly. Everyone on the room was excitedly exactly like him.

"It's the 12th of June. What's up with that.... Oh!" Hwara remembered this very day two years back.

"Exactly! Let's go to the beach and celebrate our reunion hmm?" Jisoo said.

"So that's why you all bombarded our house like this... Of course let's go!!" Seokjin was delighted to see all of them here like this, happy and smiling.

Althoughit was summer, today's weather was fantastic for a special day. It was another 12th of June. This same day, two years back was the very day they last went to the beach and split up afterwards. The very day they had taken the picture that Seokjin and Hwara treasured to this day. Keeping it as a source of their strength during their loop adventures.

Seokjin was driving the car with a few of them while Yoongi drove with the others, to the beach for another spectacular day. But for this time, none of them will split up afterwards. From now on, they'd all stick together, working together through all their ups and downs.

Because.... they always have each other but they just didn't see it after everyone started going their own ways. And like they say, teamwork makes dreams work.

Once Seokjin stopped infront of the beach, the younger ones all ran to the sand. They felt the warm sun, the cool breeze, and the salty water. With all their worries uplifted, they all had fun once again as they watched the waves hit the shore.

The reunion was by camping at their small hangout area at the beach they all last hanged out at. It was a small abandoned building that they had decorated to make it lively. However, in these two years, it had become dusty and filled with cobwebs. All of them helped out into cleaning up the place so that they could crash there for the weekend and have fun.

They remembered that day as one of the best days of their lives, before they separated from each other. They wanted to relive that day, and make new memories together.

They spent the whole day having fun, relaxing, and talking. Playing volleyball, building sandcastles, burying each other in the sand, and splashing each other with the water.

They had grown up, faced challenges, and learned new things. They had become different people from before.

But they had also remained the same. They still shared the same memories, jokes, and secrets. They still cared for each other, supported each other, and loved each other. They still had a bond that nothing could break.

After countless loops, Hwara and Seokjin finally managed to save their friends from their tragic fates. They had to face many dangers, obstacles, but they never gave up. They used their courage, intelligence, and love to overcome every challenge. They proved that they would do anything for their friends. They had become stronger people.

They watched the sunset, and created a bonfire on the sand, feeling the warmth of the fire and soft breeze from the sea. They knew that they had survived the worst, and that they could face anything now.

Seokjin looked at everyone, felling a sense of achievement he never achieved before. He was more than glad to have Hwara back here again and most importantly, he was delighted to see all his friends together like this in am long time.

He was the reason for all their miseries. He caused Yoongi to get expelled from school, closing the friendship between Jungkook and Yoongi. He was the one who ratted out on 'their classroom' that they used as hide out and hangout; causing him and his friends to loose the place where they bonded. Why though? All so that he'd be the good kid his father wanted him to be.

At first when he booked the flight tickets back to Korea, this was what he expected and wanted to see but he had forgotten the things he had done before going back to the U.S..

During the last time they looped, he remembered how the cat had visited him when he left to room. Telling him that either him or Hwara would have to sacrifice themselves once everyone was saved. And he was going to make sure that it was him and not his sister for he had been the reason for their miseries.

In order to end this miserable loop. Hwara had did this once and remembered how her loops finished as she had gotten hurt while saving her parents before. Because of that she had lost the chance to loop again and save her parents.

This time she made sure that neither she or Seokjin got hurt to make sure they looped until they solved this tricky puzzle. And the outcome was not so bad was it? Hwara was thankful she had her brother with her this time..

And she was more than grateful that Seokjin wasn't the one who performed the sacrifice out of guilt and that Seokjin was able to get the others to understand his situation before and remove his guilt that swallowed him whole.

Whatever comes for them next, they'll face it all together, helping each other like they did to end this miserable loophole.

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