chapter two

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02 - Back Home

"Ladies and gentlemen, we will be taking off shortly. Please make sure that your seat belt is securely fastened. Thank you for your cooperation."

"Hwara-yah, put your seatbelts on," Seokjin instructed his sister. However, Hwara wasn't even listening to anyone but the music playing through her earphones as she looked out the airplane window.

"Yah! Put on your seatbelt and turn that off, you idiot. You have to turn down the volume. I can hear it from here." Seokjin said as he removed one of her earphones and smacked her head.

"Ow, hyung~ Why are you so mean?"

"Me? You didn't put you seatbelt on when they're telling you to! Put that headphone down, we're going to be taking off! " Seokjin began his rap-like ranting. Hwara just closed her ears while muttering sorry to the other passengers looking at the two siblings' fight.

It sure was gonna be a long flight. After all, it is a 12-hour flight to get back to Seoul. They were now high up in the sky, travelling to their destination. Hwara was asleep with her earphones still on as she learned on Seokjin's shoulder.

Seokjin was sitting in the plane, listening to the pilot's announcement that came from time to time. He was now calm and relaxed thinking that it should all be fine once they have a change in atmosphere to their old, comfy and familiar one. So... everything should be aliright... right?


It was 10 AM, and Hwara and Seokjin had finally landed back in their home country. They stood by the baggage carousel, watching as other passengers collected their bags and left. Their own luggage was yet to appear.

As they waited, Hwara caught sight of a familiar figure with light purple hair—Joohyun. Despite the hair color change, Hwara recognized her instantly.

"Seokjin! Look, it's Joohyun! Your girl is here!" Hwara whispered excitedly.

"Yah, who said she's my girl?" Seokjin retorted, though his heart skipped a beat.

"Oppa, it's so obvious you like her," Hwara teased, recalling the story of their first meeting. "Joohyun Unnie!" she called out, dashing toward the woman in the crowd.

Seokjin shook his head at his sister's antics. It had been two years since he last saw Joohyun, and the sight of her stirred old feelings. Her light purple hair suited her, and memories of their friendship—and how she became part of their group—flooded his mind.


Seokjin's stroll through nature was a welcome break after a day spent cleaning with Hwara. As he walked along, he arrived at a railway crossing just as a train passed by. When the barrier lifted, he witnessed a group of people crossing to the other side. Right behind them was Joohyun, clutching a stack of books as she hurried across before the barrier closed again.

In her rush, a red book slipped from her grasp. Seokjin instinctively picked it up, intending to return it, but Joohyun was already disappearing into the crowd. Holding 'The Red Book,' Seokjin made his way home, hopeful for another chance to see her and return her possession.

At home, he explained the encounter to Hwara, who couldn't help but tease him. "Hyung, you're like a character from a movie, falling for a girl at a crosswalk," she laughed and cringed at the same time.

"Yah, Kim Hwara!" Seokjin protested.

"Wae? It's true. You're smitten, and you don't even know her," Hwara continued, poking fun at the notion of love at first sight.

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