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"Afomia" my Ate called, "Yes" while holding the clipboard and on the other hand placing a phone in my ear "She has been doing good, keep monitoring her," I said to Nurse Crize and gave him the clipboard while giving a smile. "Yes, Anne. Napatawag ka? Something wrong?" I ask while heading towards my office. "Did I disturb you? You still have a patient?" she asked "No" I said while I laid down on the chair. It's been tough being a doctor but I love how people smile at me, and the feeling of contentment as I help them. "It's your day off tomorrow right?" she asked like she wanted to ask me a favor "Yahh, may ipapagawa ka namann sa akin but, I hope it is to not attend your meeting I don't like wearing your style like a dress," I said to her while I massage my temple. "Hehhehehe" she laughed "Don't laugh," I said in a serious tone.

"I'm sorry sisy but I can't attend I have 4 meetings tomorrow and it conflicts with my schedule. You just needed to attend two meetings 9:00 am in the office and 11:00 am meeting with the engineer, architect with Jayson for the ancestral house. Pretty please" she said in a sweet voice "Yahh don't use your sweet voice its cringe" I sighed "Please, I just send your outfit tomorrow byeeeeiii. Love yaw" she said and ended the call. That brat hindi pa nga ako nakasagot what would I expect from her.

What a wonderful life, I only wanted to be a doctor but now I am a businesswoman also. "Afomia you're great at handling things, well it's okay at least I can meet Jaysonie" I said while patting my shoulder.


Hayssstttt.... If di ko talaga siya kapatid di ako pupunta. The meeting started, and they just gave a presentation on strategies and the latest update. I just took down notes on my iPad, while giving them some idea. Maybe this may not be my field but I experience to be an entrepreneur when I was young. I was happy when my sister established her own company, back when we were young we were dreaming about our future but little didn't we know we had achieved all those and I am really happy.

"Meeting adjourn, thank you for your hard work," I said smiling at them. When I look at my watch, it's already 10:50 am I only have 10 minutes to get to the restaurant where my second meeting will be held. Hayssttt buhay nga naman luckily I chat Jayson beforehand and I know the reason why she can't attend this meeting, she doesn't want to see his ex-boyfriend face Eng. Mark Wilson. Tsk tsk ako ba talaga ang ginawang panangala.

"Later or sooner they still need to talk cause no matter how far you run from your past it will always show up not until you face and settle it."

I drive fast so I will be on time, when you are a doctor you need to be conscious of your time, I drive fast because it's a battle of life and death I know the law in driving fast but I do drive for safety and knowing my limitations. I arrive on time but when I get in the door my rubber band suddenly breaks and my hair flows with the wind. It shows my highlighted brown hair with the wavy because my sister even got a hair stylist for me luckily she didn't get a makeup artist. I can't handle heavy makeup I just wanted to have a light that I can do. I walk confidently even though my feet hurt and I am not skilled in handling heels. As I saw Jayson I got excited and walked towards him.

He kissed me on the cheeks as I gave him a friendly gesture of ours. He is one of my best friends classified in senior high "Wow, san ka galing bat ganyan ang suot mo?" he asked while scanning my suit. I just gave him a pout "But it looks good on you rather than before" he complimented "Thank you, mabuting maayos ang binigay ng ateh ko na sususotin ko" I said while he dragged a chair for me to sit.

"Afomia, this is Eng. Jerald Caden and Arc. Naomi Seldem" Jayson introduced and I was shocked I thought it was Eng. Mark Traceson. Well, what a lovely full day my luck is not really on my side today. Maybe this statement "Later or sooner they still need to talk 'cause no matter how far you run from your past it will always show up not until you face and settle it." that I make is been fireback at me. Well, what's wrong with it we are just young back then. He has grown a lot I just smiled at them. "And this is Doctor Afomia Angel Mendes sister of CEO Ann Mendes" Jayson said and gave me a wicked smile he knew how to introduce me huh whole name pa. "Nice meeting you Doc Mendes" Naomi said while showing his dimple towards his smile.

"Nice meeting you Arch. Seldem, and you can call me Afomia no need to be formal" I said while giving him a handshake, I admired her cute smile. "Nice meeting you, Doc Mendes" Jerald said while extending his hand "Nice meeting you, again Eng. Caden" I said and gave him a handshake. And we sat down. I just prepare my things and their things. "Wait a minute did you order?" I ask them and they nod. I was about to stand to order my food when Jayson held my hand for me to stop and I looked at him.

"Don't worry I ordered your favorite food" Jayson said "Thank you, where's my shoes? I need it my feet can't handle it any longer" I whispered to him while touching my ankle which was a bit painful when I stumbled when I went out in the company. "What shoes?" he asked confused but with a glitch joking in his face "Yahh, don't joke around give me my shoe," I said to him and he handed me a box of shoes. "Is this new? Where is my shoe in your condo? Tinapon mo?" I asked while putting it in my feet I just put the heels on the box "No, hindi ako umuwi sa condo" he said "Oww" I said "Let's start" I said.

When I looked at the man in front of me I could see he was cold yet professional well I am happy with his achievement even way back before we hurt each other which made us stronger. We just talked about the layout of some adjustments from the plan and having a concrete solution. "I think that's all, if you have any adjustments or other plans you can contact our company," Jerald said and I nod its took for a while our meeting and I just packing things up. "By the way who shall we contact from you?" Naomi asked Jayson to give me his card he is the lawyer of the company and I gave also him mine and my sister's calling cards "You can contact me but for emergencies, you can contact Jayson or My sister" I said, and gave them. Naomi takes the calling card while I can sense a pair of eyes on me. Kanina pa siya nakakatitig sa akin. I just smiled "Anything else, Eng. Caden" he just gave a sign of no and I just nodded.

The food was served "Thank you" I said to the waiter I was really hungry when someone called me. "Yes, Something wrong?" I pick up my phone and answer it "I'm sorry Doc. I know it's your day off but there is an emergency there another accident a bombing and we need a doctor" Nurse Friz said "You called Doc Thorn?" I asked "We can't reach him po, can you contact him po Doc we are out of doctor po" she said. "Ok no need to worry I will going to contact him. How many doctors need?" I asked "More than 3 doctors po doc" She said "Ok, I'll be there just give me 5 minutes I'll contact Doc Thorn" I said and ended my call and pick my earphones while contacting Thorn.

"I'm sorry I need to go, something emergency came up," I said and was about to stand up "Hatid na kita" Eng. Caden "No need I bring my car, Thank you," I said and stood up. "I need to go. Bye" I said and gave Jayson a quick kiss on his cheeks "Take care I'll bring your food there," he said "Ok thank you Jaysoniee." I said and smiled and run fast as I could. Being a doctor is hard but as we pledge to our profession even if it's our day off, there is no day off in accidents and our patients.

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